Job Employees Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to create and distribute favorites for a selection of employees.

A favorite is a link between a descriptive text (the favorite name) and an entry combination. You can use favorites for quick time entry in the time entry workspaces (SpeedSheet, Time Sheets, Daily Time Sheets, and so on).

In the Job Employees tab, you can browse the jobs to which you have access. In the Job Employee Specifications sub-tab, you can define the content of favorites and select the employees to whom the favorites should be available.

Access to this workspace requires add-on number 122.

Enter Favorites

You can enter favorites in this workspace to streamline workflow for your group. For example, if you are the project manager of a job, you might want to help your project team by distributing the entry combinations that apply to the current job. To do this, enter a number of favorite definitions with the activity and task in the Job Employee Specifications sub-tab, select the members of your team, and use the Update action. The next time that your team members open their SpeedSheet or Time Sheet, the favorites are available in the workspace, and they can easily enter time on the job without having to ask for details. Or, if you work in the finance department, you might want to distribute favorites to all employees for entering vacation, furlough, and illness.

You also use this workspace to specify which employees can enter time on the job. This functionality is the same as in the Employee Control workspace, and Maconomy enters the employees that you select here into the sub-tab of the Employee Control workspace. Use this workspace for simple employee control operations, and the other workspace for more detailed needs.

Use the Distribute to Employees action to apply the settings in the Job Employees tab and Job Employee Specifications sub-tab to the selection of employees.

The Create from Tasks action creates a list of favorites from the tasks selected in the Job Tasks workspace.