Job Budget Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budget Lines sub-tab.

For more information about the fields in the table part of this window, please see the description of the window Job Budgets.

Field Description
Description This field shows a text attached to the activity on quotes and order confirmations.
Line Type This field shows the line type: Sum/Text or Time.
  • Sum/Text — If you select this value, you can use the current line as a text line, adding a line of text to the budget, or as a sum line. A sum line functions as grouping level when you use a work breakdown structure. In both cases, you cannot specify a reference to an activity or task on the line, and you cannot mark the line as a milestone.
  • Time — If you select this value, Maconomy uses the current line to specify a time activity. The activity number changes to the activity that the Default Time Activity job parameter attribute of the Budgeting type specifies.
Task Name This field shows the task to which the job budget line may have been assigned.
Empl. Cat. No. This field shows the number of employee category specified for the job budget line in question.
Quantity This field shows the budgeted quantity for the line.
Quantity, Days This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the number of days budgeted for the current job budget line.
Act. No. This field shows the number of the activity to which the current job budget line pertains.
Cost, Base This field shows the budgeted cost in the base currency for one unit of the activity.
Cost, Per Day, Base This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the cost per day budgeted for the current job budget line. The value is based on the value in the field “Cost, Base” above and the number of hours per man day specified for the job in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the window Jobs.
Purchase Currency This field shows the selected currency code.
Cost, Purchase Currency This field shows the cost in the currency selected in the field “Purchase Currency.”
Cost Per Day, Purchase Currency This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the cost per day budgeted for the current job budget line. The value is based on the value in the field “Cost, Purchase Currency” above and the number of hours per man day specified for the job in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the window Jobs.
Total Cost, Base This field shows the total estimated cost in base currency for the budget line.
Total Cost, Purchase Currency This field shows the total budgeted cost in the current job’s currency.
Billing Price, Purchase Currency This field shows the billing price in the currency selected in the field “Purchase Currency.”
Billing Price Per Day, Purchase Currency This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the billing price per day budgeted for the current job budget line. The value is based on the value in the field “Billing Price, Purchase Currency” above and the number of hours per man day specified for the job in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the window Jobs.
Billing Price Total, Purchase Currency This field displays the total sales price in purchase currency, that is, the field “Sales Price, Purchase Currency” multiplied by the number in the field “Quantity.”
Billing Price, Curr. This field shows the budgeted billing price in the job’s currency of one unit of the activity on the budget line.
Billing Price Per Day, Curr. This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the billing price per day budgeted for the current job budget line. The value is based on the value in the field “Billing Price, Currency” above and the number of hours per man day specified for the job in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the window “Jobs.”
Total Billing Price, Currency This field shows the budget line’s total budgeted billing price in the job currency.
Markup % This field shows the budgeted gross margin % for the activity on the budget line.
Incl. in Fixed Price This check box is selected if the entry that applies to the line is to be included in the fixed price of a job.

If a fixed-price job or a time-and-material job is assigned the job parameter attribute “Fixed Price Basis” with the value “Budget,” the value of this field determines which budget lines are included in the fixed quote price of a job and which entries are not included in the fixed quote price of a job.

Planned Start Date

This field shows the date on which you plan to begin the activity.

When the Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date system parameter is enabled, the planned starting date is displayed only when all the sublevel lines have a date.

Planned Duration This field shows the planned duration of the activity. This duration will always be the number of calendar days from the planned starting date to the planned ending date. The field “Planned Ending Date” will thus depend on this field.
Planned End Date

This field shows the date on which you plan to end the activity. The date specified will be of importance in the Detailed Planning workspace in the Resource Planning module; the date specified in this field will be copied to planning lines created based on the budget in question.

When the Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date system parameter is enabled, the planned ending date is displayed only when all the sublevel lines have a date.

First Possible Starting Date This field shows the first possible starting date of the activity. The specified date is for reference only, for example, for use in reports. Enter the first possible starting date of the activity. The specified date is for reference only, for example, for use in reports.

When the Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date system parameter is enabled, the first possible starting date is displayed only when all the sublevel lines have a date.

Last Possible Ending Date This field shows the last possible ending date of the activity. The specified date is for reference only, for example, for use in reports.

When the Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date system parameter is enabled, the last possible ending date is displayed only when all the sublevel lines have a date.

Deliv. Remarks This field shows delivery remarks to be used in connection with the delivery of the items.
Billing Price, Base This field shows the amount from the field “Billing Price, Currency” on the current budget line converted into the base currency.
Billing Price per Day, Base This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the billing price per day budgeted for the current job budget line. The value is based on the value in the field “Billing Price, Base” above and the number of hours per man day specified for the job in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the window “Jobs.”
Billing Price Total, Base This field shows the amount from the field “Billing Price Total, Currency” on the current budget line converted into the base currency.
Standard Billing Price, Base This field shows the standard billing price per unit in the base currency of the company.
Total Standard Billing Price, Base This field shows the total standard billing price of the current budget entry in the base currency of the vendor, if the activity on the budget line is an amount activity.
Vendor This field displays the number of a vendor if the activity in the budget line is an amount activity. Maconomy verifies that the vendor exists in the Accounts Payable module.

This field is used to select which vendor does any external work for you in connection with the job. If there is a value in this field, Maconomy automatically marks the field Selected, and when you remove the number, the mark is removed. When you Select the Create Requisitions or Create Purchase Order action, Maconomy automatically creates a requisition or purchase order in the Requisition and Purchase Orders windows, respectively, in the Accounts Payable module. When you create a purchase order from a budget line, the purchase order number is displayed in the Last Purchase Order No. field on the budget line.

If you assign items to a job budget line in the Job Budget Item Lines window on which this field has a value, Maconomy retrieves the item’s budgeted cost from the vendor’s purchase price list. This requires that there is a purchase price list for the vendor, and that the item is in that list. However, Maconomy only retrieves prices when creating purchase orders, not requisitions.

Vendor Name This field shows the name of a vendor, if the activity on the budget line is an amount activity.
Your Reference This field shows the reference person used on requisitions and purchase orders that are created from the current budget line.
Purch. Order No. This field shows the number of the last purchase order created on the basis of the current budget line by means of the action “Create Purchase Order.”
Number of Purchase Orders This field shows how many purchase orders have been created on the basis of this budget line.
Purchase Order Total This field shows the sum of the purchase order lines created on the basis of the budget line.
Currency, Purchase Creation This field shows the currency of a purchase order created on the basis of the budget line.
Empl. This field shows the number of the employee associated with the given activity.
Location This field shows a manually entered or derived value for the dimension Location.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Net Cost, Base This field is only used in Norwegian systems. This field shows a net cost for amount activities.
Net Cost Per Day, Base This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the net cost per day budgeted for the current job budget line. The value is based on the value in the field “Net Cost, Base” above and the number of hours per man day specified for the job in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the window “Jobs.”
Tax Code This field is only used in Norwegian systems. This field shows a G/L tax receivable code if the activity on the line is an amount activity.
Activity Type This field displays the type of the current activity.
Tax Code This field shows the tax payable code selected for the current activity.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2” and, if three tax levels are enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Activity Name This field displays the text defined for the current activity.
Task Description This field shows the text defined for the current task, if a task has been entered in the field “Task.”
Empl. Cat. Name This field shows the name of the employee category specified for the job budget line in question.
Job Budget Text This field displays whether there are text lines assigned to the current line.
Standard Billing Price, Currency This field shows the standard billing price per unit in the currency of the job
Standard Billing Price Per Day, Currency This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the standard billing price per day per unit in the currency of the job. The value is based on the value in the field “Standard Billing Price, Currency” above and the number of hours per man day specified for the job in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the window “Jobs.”
Total Standard Billing Price, Currency This field shows the total standard billing price of the current budget entry in the currency of the job.
Remarks 1-10 These fields show any remarks assigned to the current job budget line.
Quantity Planned If the current revision is the latest approved revision of the planning budget, this field shows how many hours have so far been planned for the job budget line in question in the window Detailed Planning in the Resource Planning module. Is the current revision approved but not the latest approved revision, this field shows how many hours were planned for the job budget line in question when this revision was the latest approved revision of the planning budget.
Changed in Revision No. This field shows the number of the job budget revision in which the current line was last changed.