Invoicing Plans Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to create plans for invoicing or pre-invoicing jobs on account in the Job Cost module.

You can create one plan per job. Invoicing plans are useful if you have agreed with a customer on a certain invoicing scheme, because you can use the plans for numerous invoicing principles.

The invoice amount can be specified as an amount or a percentage of the quote price, and the invoicing can be triggered by a date or the completion of a job phase.

The invoicing plan is assigned to the job and is deleted if the job is deleted.

Invoicing examples include:
  • You want to invoice 40% of the effective quote price of a fixed-price job immediately, and 20% on the first date of the month for the next three months.
  • On a time and materials job, you agree to invoice on account USD $3,000 every month for six months, after which you will invoice by time and materials.
  • The customer is invoiced USD $9,000 for a fixed-price job on acceptance of the job quote. After this, 20% of the remaining quote price is invoiced every time a job phase is completed.

Transferring Plan Lines for Invoicing

The invoicing process is not performed in this workspace, but in the Invoice Selection or Approve Invoice Selection workspace. When you select the Transfer Invoicing Plan action in the Invoice Selection workspace or in the Approve Invoice Selection workspace, the amount due is transferred for invoicing.

Use the job parameter Transfer Invoicing Plan to Invoice Selection to determine whether the invoice plan is transferred for Invoicing On Account, Direct Invoicing, or Over Invoicing.

If the Transfer Several Invoicing Plan Lines system parameter is selected, all due invoicing plan lines are transferred. If the system parameter is deselected, only the first due line of the invoicing plan is transferred.

When the lines have been transferred, you can edit them in the Invoice Editing workspace. At the same time, the Invoicing Plans workspace is updated to reflect the progress of the invoicing process.

If the Approval of Invoicing Plan Lines job parameter has been set to Yes for the current job, invoicing plan lines must be approved in this workspace before they can be transferred for invoicing.