Print Time Sheet Overview Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Time Sheet Overview tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Company No. In these fields you can enter a range of company numbers, if you want to limit the printout so that it only shows time sheets for employees assigned to specific companies. If you do not specify any values in these fields, all time sheets are printed regardless of the employees’ assigned company numbers.
Employee No. In this field, you can specify a range of employee numbers if you wish to limit the printout to include only time sheets from specific employees. If you do not enter a value, all time sheets will be printed out regardless of employee number.
Supervisor In this field, you can specify an employee number. The printout will only include time sheets for employees whose supervisor is the one specified here. If you do not enter a value in the field, all time sheets will be printed out regardless of supervisor.
Secretary In this field, you can specify an employee number. The printout will only include time sheets for employees whose secretary is the one specified here. If you do not enter a value in the field, all time sheets will be printed out regardless of secretary.
Mentor In this field, you can specify an employee number. The printout will only include time sheets for employees whose mentor is the one specified here. If you do not enter a value in the field, all time sheets will be printed out regardless of mentor.
Department In this field, you can choose to have an overview of time sheets from employees assigned to a specific department.
Period, Date In these fields, you can enter a period of dates for limiting the number of time sheets to be printed out. If you enter a period of dates in these fields, you cannot change the week numbers in the below fields “Period, Week/Year.” Entering dates in these fields means that it is possible to make an overview containing, for example, only the “A-part” of a certain split week time sheet.
Period, Week and Year In these fields, you enter a period for limiting the number of time sheets to be printed out. The period must be specified as an interval from week/year to week/year.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. If no additional layouts for the current printout have been added in the window Print Layout, “Standard” is the only option.
Show time sheets which are not In this field, you can choose whether the report should show information on non-submitted, non-approved, or non-transferred time sheets. The option “Non-Submitted” shows the weeks for which the employee yet has to submit time sheets. Note that if you select this option, time sheets which are not within the employees’ employment period will also be included on the printout. If you want the printout to include only time sheets registered within the employment period of the employees, you must mark the field “Only Time Sheets Within Empl. Period.”

The option “Non-Transferred” shows the weeks for which the employee has submitted time sheets (temporary or final) that still need to be transferred to a job journal by a supervisor. The option “Non-Approved” shows the weeks for which the employee has submitted time sheets which still need to be approved by the supervisor.

Daily Overview If you mark this field, the overview will also display dates on which daily time sheets have not been submitted, approved, or transferred. If you do not mark this field, the overview only displays the periods (weeks or months) for which time sheets have not been submitted, approved, or transferred. The field is thus supposed to be marked for employees using daily time sheets.
Show Blocked Employees In this field, you can specify that the printout of the time sheets overview should also show blocked employees. The printout will always show time sheets for employees who are not blocked and who are included in the specified selection criteria.
Only Time Sheets Within Period of Employment If you mark this field, and you have chosen the option “Nonsubmitted” in the above field “Show time sheets which are,” the printout will include only time sheets registered within the employment period of the employees displayed on the printout. If you do not mark the field, the printout will also include any time sheets registered outside the employment period of each employee.
Show All Employees In this field, you can specify if the overview should be printed for all employees or that the printout should only show employees who have not yet submitted time sheets or need to have their time sheets transferred or approved.
Show Employees Without Dept. Under To print a time sheet overview for employees who are not assigned to a department, you must select a department in this field. The time sheets of the employees in question will be grouped under the selected department.