Job Traffic Status Revisions Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Traffic Status Revisions tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the name and number of the current job. All information in this window applies to this job.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This field shows the name and customer number of the responsible customer of the current job.
Customer Remark 15-20 These fields show the value of the fields “Remark 15-20” in the information card of the current customer, respectively. In Maconomy Agency Solution (MAS) systems, the fields “Remark 15,” “Remark 17,” and “Remark 19” are called “Client,” “Brand,” and “Product,” respectively. Note that if the system parameter “Use Product level” is not marked, the field “Customer Remark 19” will not be shown in this window.