Invoice Allocation Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Invoice Allocation Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Purchase Line Type Use this field to indicate the type of purchase the line represents. The available values are:
  • Fixed Asset
  • Inventory
  • Job Cost
  • G/L
  • Text Line
  • Subcontractor Reconciliation
Account No. In this field, you can enter the number of a G/L account in the company’s chart of accounts, provided that the allocation line in question is related to the purchase of services/items to be posted in the G/L module and which are not related to jobs in the Job Cost module.

The purchase is debited to the account whose account number was entered in this field. If you have made references to a purchase order number in connection with the receipt of the vendor invoice in the window Vendor Invoices, Maconomy will automatically create allocation lines in the table part. These lines correspond to the lines on the purchase order, and the value in the field “Account No.” on the corresponding line in the purchase order is transferred to this field.

Maconomy checks that the account exists, that it is a “Manual” account and that it is not blocked. Maconomy furthermore checks that the combination of dimensions on the allocation line is an allowed G/L allocation combination. Allowed allocation combinations are shown in the window G/L Allocation Combinations.

If you specify both an account number and a job number, the dimension derivation process will include derivation of dimensions from the specified job, but the amount will be allocated to the account, meaning that no entries will be created in the Job Cost module. Even if both a job and an account have been specified, the tax code is derived from the account.

Local Account No. Specify a local account number when you allocate the invoice to a company that uses local chart of accounts.
Job No. If the amount on the line should be allocated to a job, enter a number in this field and leave the field “Account No.” blank. If you specify both a value in the field “Account No.” and a job number, the dimension derivation process will include derivation of dimensions from the specified job, but the amount will be allocated to the account, meaning that no entries will be created in the Job Cost module. Even if both a job and an account have been specified, the tax code is derived from the account.

In the following, it is assumed that you specify a job and leave the field “Account No.” blank.

  • If you are capitalizing the job expenses, the purchase is debited the job’s WIP account.
  • If you are posting the job expenses to a P/L account, the purchase is debited the P/L account assigned to the activity specified in the field “Act. No.”
  • If you have entered a purchase order number in the window Vendor Invoices, Maconomy transfers all the purchase order lines, and inserts the value from the corresponding purchase order line’s field “Job No.”

Maconomy checks that the job exists, that it has the status of “Order,” and that it is neither blocked nor closed. If you enter a number here and leave the field “Account No.” blank, you must enter a number in the field “Act. No.” on the same line.

If employee control has been selected for the current job, you can only enter registrations for employees who appear in the latest revision of the planning budget of the current job. For more information about controlling employee registrations, please see the description of the window Jobs.

If fixed exchange rate information has been specified for the job in the window Job Price Information, and the system parameter “Fixed exchange rates in budgets only” has not been marked, any currency conversion between the currency of the invoice and that of the job will take place when the invoice is posted, and any variance between the exchange rate of the currency on the invoice and on the job, respectively, is posted to the account for amount rounding.

Act. No. In this field, you enter the number of an activity, if the purchase relates to a job. If the line was created as a result of entering a purchase order number in the Purchase Order No. field in the tab, Maconomy suggests the value from the Act. No. field on the corresponding purchase order line.

Maconomy checks that the activity exists, that it is an amount or time activity, and that it is not blocked. If you enter a number here, you must also enter a number in the Job. No. field and leave the Item No. field blank.

Empl. No. Specify the employee number if the current allocation or reallocation line relates to a specific employee.
Task For job related lines, it is possible to specify a task here. If a value is specified in the field, Maconomy checks that a task listing has been assigned to the job and that the listing contains the specified task.

Specifying a value is mandatory if a task listing has been assigned to the job.

Account/Activity Name This field shows either the account text of the G/L account specified in the field “Account No.,” or the activity text of the activity in the field “Act. No.” The text cannot be changed here.
Entry Description In this field, you enter the entry text. This text is assigned to the allocation line when you post the vendor invoice. Maconomy suggests the text from the field “Account/Activity Name,” but you can change it.

If you entered a purchase order number for the invoice in the window Vendor Invoices, Maconomy will automatically create allocation lines to correspond with the purchase order, transferring the field “Line Remarks” from the purchase order to this field. If you have used an allocation code, the lines will also be created automatically, and the field “Entry Description” from the allocation code will be transferred to this field.

Quantity Enter the quantity of the allocation or transfer line. When you create a line without specifying a purchase order number, Maconomy automatically enters a default value of one. If you specify a purchase order number in the Purchase Order No. field, Maconomy suggests the quantity based on the information on the purchase order in question. For further information, see the description of the Purchase Order No. field.
Unit This field shows the unit that applies to the current vendor invoice line.
Unit Price In this field, you enter the unit price in the currency of the current vendor invoice. You must enter an amount, and it must be exclusive of tax. When you create an allocation line, Maconomy will suggest the amount from the field “Remainder, Excl. Tax” in the card part of the window.
Pricing Unit If an item has been specified on the current line, this field shows the quantity of item units included in the unit price. This value is retrieved from the field “Unit, Purchase” on the Item Information Card and cannot be changed here. However, if the line is based on a purchase order line, Maconomy will attempt to derive the pricing unit form the purchase order line in question before deriving it form the Item Information Card.
Discount In this field, you can enter a discount after negotiating with the vendor. If the invoice allocation line is created from a purchase order, the discount is retrieved from the purchase order.
Amount Excl. Tax This field shows the price less tax of the allocation line in the currency of the vendor invoice. You can change the amount. The amount is calculated as quantity multiplied by the unit price less tax and any discount. When a new allocation line is created, Maconomy will suggest the amount from the field “Remainder Excl. Tax” in the card part of the window. If you manually enter an amount in this field, Maconomy will recalculate the unit price based on the total amount in this field. If you enter an amount in this field, Maconomy also updates the fields “Tax Amount” and “Amount Incl. Tax” based on the entered amount.
Item No. In this field, you enter the number of an item, if the purchase relates to an item. If the line was created as a result of entering a purchase order number in the field “Purchase Order No.” in the card part (and a packing slip number in the field “Packing Slip No.”), Maconomy suggests the value from the field “Item No” on the corresponding purchase order line.

Maconomy checks that the item exists, and that it is not blocked. If you enter a number here, you must leave the fields “Job No.,” “Account No.,” and “Act. No. blank.

If the line was created as a result of specifying a purchase order and a packing slip on the invoice in the card part, and the packing slip number matches an approved item receipt for the purchase order in question, Maconomy will perform an invoice reconciliation of the invoice against the item receipt. This will cause Maconomy to automatically adjust the cost price of the item if the system parameter “Copy Payment Information From Reference Invoice” has been marked. However, the reconciliation only takes place if the difference between the amount on the current line and the amount on the receipt line on which the current line is based is within the margin specified in the system parameter “Margin for purchase order reconciliation.” If this is not the case, or if the packing slip number does not match any receipt for the specified purchase order, the reconciliation must be done manually.

Total for Subcontractor Reconciliation The amount in the field represents the sum of the amounts from Job Entries that are selected for a specific Invoice Allocation Line in the dialog Vendor Subcontractor Reconciliation.
Tax Code In this field, you can specify a G/L tax code to apply to the current allocation line. Maconomy suggests a G/L tax code for tax receivable. You can select another code or leave the field blank if no tax applies to the invoice. Maconomy suggests a tax code on the basis of the following procedure:

If a G/L tax table has been specified in the window Company Information, a G/L tax code will be transferred from the G/L tax table on the basis of the information registered on the current invoice and invoice allocation line. When searching for a line in the G/L tax table, Maconomy searches for a match between the value of the tax table line in the field “Account No.” and a reference account depending on whether an account or an activity has been specified on the line or if the field “For Inventory Purch.” has been marked. If no line is found in the G/L tax table corresponding to the current line’s registrations and the current reference account, or if no G/L tax table has been specified for the current company, Maconomy will suggest the G/L tax code specified for the reference account in question in the window Account Information Card.

As mentioned, the reference account depends on whether an account or an activity has been specified on the line or if the field “For Inventory Purch.” has been marked. If you specify an account, the reference account will be the specified account. If you specify an activity, the reference account will be the account specified as P/L account on the current activity. If you specify an item and mark the field “For Inventory Purch.,” the reference account will be the account specified as account for non-reconciled vendor entries in the A/P Control Account to which the current vendor is assigned. The references to these accounts are made by means of dimension combinations.

You can add up to three different tax codes if necessary. To enable multiple tax codes, the system parameters “Show Three Tax Levels” and/or “Show Two Tax Levels” must be marked in the System Parameters window. When multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2” and, if enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Tax Enter the tax amount in the invoice currency. You can only enter an amount here if you have entered a tax code in the Tax Code field. The amounts in the Amount Excl. Tax field and this field must both be either positive or negative.

If you change the suggested amount in the Amount Excl. Tax field, Maconomy calculates a new tax amount using the code in the Tax Code field.

When you create an allocation line, a reallocation line, or change the amount excluding tax on an existing line, Maconomy calculates the amount in this field from the amount including or excluding tax. However, if the amount excluding tax entered on a given line causes the remainder excluding tax to be fully allocated, and the difference between the tax remainder and the calculated tax for the line in question is within the margin specified in the Margin for automatic correction of tax system parameter, Maconomy automatically allocates the tax remainder to this field on the line (rather than calculated from the amount excluding tax), regardless of whether this tax amount is correct according to the amount and tax code on the line.

Note that you are not required to reallocate tax. You can change the price/tax ratio when reallocating. If the reallocated tax does not add up to the original tax, or if you use different accounts, Maconomy creates an appropriate number of tax entries to fully reconcile the original tax.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the Tax field is replaced by the Tax Amount Total, Currency, Tax Amount 1, Currency, Tax Amount 2, Currency fields, and if enabled, Tax Amount 3, Currency field. When enabled, the Tax Amount Total, Currency field shows the sum of values in the individual tax amount fields. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in Tax Codes.

Amount Incl. Tax This field shows the price less tax of the allocation or reallocation line in the currency of the vendor invoice. You can change the amount. Maconomy calculates the amount as quantity multiplied by the unit price less the tax and any discount. When you create a new allocation line, Maconomy suggests the amount from the Remainder Excl. Tax field in the Invoice Allocation tab.

If you manually enter an amount in this field, Maconomy recalculates the unit price based on the total amount in this field. If you enter an amount in this field, Maconomy also updates the Tax Amount and Amount Incl. Tax fields based on the entered amount.

Item Tax Code Specify an item tax code created in the Popup Fields single dialog workspace. Maconomy uses this field to determine the tax code to use in the calculation of tax for the current allocation or reallocation line, as the reporting code is part of the criteria for the selection of a G/L tax code in the G/L Tax Tables single dialog workspace in the G/L module. For further information, please see the description of the Tax Code field.

To post entries, use the reporting code to determine which tax report entries to create. Based on the tax report entries, you can create tax reports that show the tax and tax basis entries assigned to a given tax report field. However, you can only use this kind of reporting if you selected the Extended Tax Reporting field in the System Information single dialog workspace.

If you entered a purchase order number for the vendor invoice, Maconomy automatically creates allocation lines that correspond to the purchase order, and transfers the value from the Reporting Code field on each purchase order line to this field on the corresponding allocation lines.

Reference Date Enter a reference date for the current allocation or reallocation line. Maconomy transfers the date to the G/L entries from the current line. If the current entry refers to a job, Maconomy checks that the date specified in this field is within the open posting period for job entries. Additionally, if you specify a job, Maconomy uses the date in this field as the job cost posting date on the job entries from the current allocation or reallocation line.

If you do not enter a date in this field, Maconomy suggests the date entered in the Reference Date field in the Invoice Allocation tab. If this field is also blank, Maconomy transfers the entry date, reallocation date, or invoice date to this field, depending on the setting of the Use Invoice Date as Reference Date system parameter.

Registration Code In this field, you can enter a registration code from the window Registration Codes in the G/L module. The registration code is used instead of manually entering a number of dimension values on the current line. See the description of the window Registration Codes for more information about registration codes.
Company No. Enter the number of the company responsible for the current invoice allocation or reallocation line.

Note that if a company other than the company displayed in the Vendor Invoices tab of the Vendor Invoices single dialog workspace is specified in Invoice Allocation Lines sub-tab of this workspace, intercompany postings between the responsible company on the vendor invoice and the specified company will take place at the time of posting.

These intercompany postings will be of the Vendor Invoice type. However, if you do not select the Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company system parameter, you can only create intercompany entries if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

Location Enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not manually enter a value, Maconomy derives a value using the order of priority set up in the Dimension Derivations single dialog workspace in the G/L module. However, any manually entered value is overwritten if Maconomy derives a value for which overwriting has been selected. If no value can be derived, Maconomy transfers the value from the Location field in the Invoice Allocation tab.

Additionally, the information is used when you post the current reallocation line, if the G/L account permits dimension allocation.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Allocation Code In this field, you can enter an allocation code. You can use allocation codes created in the window Allocation Codes in the G/L module.

When you enter an allocation code in this field, Maconomy automatically creates the number of allocation lines which the code specifies, the extended price is allocated to the lines in accordance with the allocation code, and this field will be blanked. You can thus use the same allocation code on vendor invoices and allocation lines several times. In this connection, it is recommended to use allocation codes containing positive percentages. Allocation codes are used for easing registration of standard entries.

Note that if you have entered an account number in the field “Account No.” on the line, and if an allocation code has been specified on the account in question, this allocation code will be inserted in this field and hence used for allocation of the line in question.

Employee Name This is the name of the employee entered in the field “Empl. No.”
Job Name This is the name of the job entered in the field “Job No.”
Task Description This field contains a description of the task specified in the “Task” field.
Customer No., Ref. In this field, you can enter a reference to a customer. You can only specify a customer number if the purchase line type is G/L. When deriving dimension values for the current line, dimension values may be derived from the specified customer. For further information on this process, see the description of the field “Location No.”
Customer Name, Ref. If a customer has been specified in the field “Customer No., Ref.” above, this field shows the name of the customer in question.
Purch. Order No. This field shows the purchase order number for invoice allocation lines created by entering a purchase order number in the Vendor Invoices single dialog workspace or in the Invoice Allocation tab. When you post the vendor invoice journal or the reallocation, Maconomy registers the line as invoiced on the corresponding purchase order line. However, if the entry is a vendor credit memo, Maconomy deducts the amount from the invoiced amount. The field is completed automatically if the invoice allocation lines are created as a result of entering a purchase order number on the vendor invoice specified in the Invoice Allocation tab.

You can also enter the purchase order number when entering new invoice allocation lines. When doing so, this field, in combination with the Line No. field, indicates the purchase order line to which the allocation line pertains. If you do not enter a line number, Maconomy estimates the line number based on the allocation combination. If the allocation pertains to a specific item receipt, you can also enter the number of the packing slip representing the receipt in the Packing Slip No. field.

If you only specify a purchase order number and line number without specifying a packing slip, Maconomy suggests a quantity on the line, based on the information from the purchase order line in question. The quantity on the line corresponds to the quantity received for the purchase line in the Purchase Receipt single dialog workspace. However, if you do not select the Suggest Quantity Received on Vendor Invoice system parameter and the quantity received on the purchase order line is zero, the quantity transferred to the allocation line will be the quantity remaining to be invoiced for the purchase line.

If you specify a packing slip number in the Packing Slip No. field that matches a packing slip number entered in the Purchase Receipt single dialog workspace for the purchase order in question, the amount and quantity matches those received on the item receipt (any delivery costs and expense percentages specified on the purchase order will be added to the price), and the For Inventory Purchase field is selected.

Purchase Order Line No. This field shows the number of the purchase order line on which the amount is registered as invoiced, when the vendor invoice journal or the reallocation is posted. However, if the entry is a vendor credit memo, Maconomy deducts the amount from the invoiced amount. The field is automatically completed if the invoice allocation lines are created by entering a purchase order on the vendor invoice displayed in the Invoice Allocation tab.

You can also enter the line number when you enter new invoice allocation lines. For further information, see the Purchase Order No. field.

Close Purchase Order Line If you mark this field, the purchase order line will be closed when the journal is posted. If this means that all the purchase order lines are closed, the purchase order itself will also be closed.
Packing Slip No. if the current line was created as a result of entering a purchase order number and a packing slip number on the vendor invoice displayed in the card part, this field shows the number of the packing slip in question.
Inventory Change Transaction No.

If you created the current line as a result of entering a purchase order number and a packing slip number on the vendor invoice displayed on the Invoice Allocation tab, this field shows the number of the inventory change transaction resulting from the approval of the purchase receipt to which the packing slip in question pertains. As allocation and reallocation lines created by entering a purchase order and packing slip number are based on inventory change transactions, this field shows the number of the inventory change transaction that contains the transaction line on which the current allocation line is based.

Inventory Change Transaction Line No.

If you created the current line as a result of entering a purchase order number and a packing slip number on the vendor invoice displayed on the Invoice Allocation tab, this field shows the number of the inventory change transaction line on which the current allocation line is based. As allocation and reallocation lines created by entering a purchase order and packing slip number are based on inventory change transactions, this field thus shows the number of the line in the table part of the inventory change transaction shown in the Inventory Change Transaction No. field on which the current allocation line is based.

Quantity 1-2 I Register an allocation line or reallocation line quantity. Use these fields for reports and statistics.
Tax Exempt In this field you can enter whether the invoice line covers a tax-exempt service. Note that you can only mark this field if the field “Disclosable” in the island Invoice in this window has been marked. See the description of the field “Disclosable” in the card part of the window for further information on this field.
Accrual Type If you select a value in this field, the cost will be accrued. You can only accrue a posting if a G/L account or job has been selected.

If you select accrual, Maconomy will create a G/L entry on the specified G/L account or job for each G/L period specified in the fields “Period From, Accrual” and “Period To, Accrual.” If you have specified an account number on the line, the accrual entries are posted to the account in question. If you have specified a job and not an account, the accrual entries are posted to the relevant, accrual related posting references on the activity in question or in the window Posting References, depending on whether the field “Post by Activity” is marked in the window System Information.

The offset entries are posted to the accounts referenced for the selected accrual type in the window Popup Fields. The amount is distributed evenly on the selected periods. For accruals made on job entries, both cost and billing prices are accrued.

Period From, Accrual In this field and the field “Period To, Accrual” you can enter a range of dates. If you select a value in the field “Accrual Type” above, Maconomy will create a G/L entry on the specified G/L account for each G/L period specified in the fields “Period From, Accrual” and “Period To, Accrual.” The amount is distributed evenly on the selected periods.

Please note that the last period must be no later than the accrual ending period set up in the field “Accrual Period, Ending” in the Posting Periods. If no ending period has been specified there, the ending period set up in the corresponding field in the window Posting Periods applies instead. If an ending period has been set up in the Posting Periods window, you can specify any period in the field “Period To, Accrual.”

Period To, Accrual See the “Period From, Accrual” field above.
Transaction Type Enter the transaction type for the entry.
Parent Invoice Allocation Instance Key When you use the Allocate Subcontractor Differences action in the the Vendor Invoices workspace, Maconomy automatically assigns a value to this field on the original invoice allocation line. The new invoice allocation lines (created as a result of using the action) are then able to refer to the original invoice allocation line.

This field is not displayed by default.