Job Budget Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budget Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Description This field shows the description assigned to the current planning budget line, if any.
Act. No. This field shows the activity number of the planning budget line.
Task This field shows the task of the planning budget line.
Progress Status This field shows the status of the current planning budget line and can have one of the following four values:
  • Idle — This value means that no work has been registered on the planning budget line since the previous re-estimate of this line, and that nothing was planned in that period either.
  • Behind Schedule — This value means that the suggested estimated time required to complete the task on the planning budget line is larger than the value specified in the field “Exp. Time to Compl.” plus the threshold specified in the card part. The threshold is calculated on the basis of the percentage and number of hours specified in the fields “Delay Threshold %” and “Delay Threshold, Hours” in the following way:

If the value of the fields “Delay Threshold %” and “Delay Threshold, Hours” are both 0, the threshold will also be 0.

If the value of one of the above two fields is 0, the other determines the threshold alone. If both of the fields contain values which differ, the threshold is the smallest of the two threshold components.

Assume, for example, that the value of the field “Exp. Time to Compl.” is 60 hours, and the threshold fields are set to 10% and 4 hours. The threshold component is then 10% of 60 hours = 6 hours and the absolute threshold is 4 hours. As the smallest threshold is the 4 hours, this will be the threshold used. Then if the value of the field “Est. Time to Compl.” is larger than 60 + 4, the progress status will be “Behind Schedule.”

  • On Schedule — This value means that the suggested estimated time required to complete the task on the planning budget line equals the values specified in the field “Exp. Time to Compl.” plus or minus the selected threshold, as described above.
  • Ahead of Schedule — This means that the suggested estimated time required to complete the task on the planning budget line is less than the values specified in the field “Exp. Time to Compl.” minus the selected threshold, as described above.
Empl. Cat. No. This field shows the employee category number specified on the job budget line.
Planned If the value of the field “Measuring Unit” in the card part is “Hours,” this field displays the number of hours that have been planned in the detailed resource planning for the planning budget line. The number is calculated as the value of the field “Prev. Planned” plus the number of hours planned between the previous estimate date and the current estimate date.

You can change the value of this field, if, for example, deciding to which planning budget line the detailed planning belongs is related with ambiguity because there are more than one budget line with the same job/activity/task combination. However, you can also change the value of this field, even though the current registration unambiguously corresponds to the current budget line. If you do so, Maconomy will issue a message informing you about the change. See the introduction to the window for further information. If you modify the value of this field, the value cannot be lower than the value of the field “Prev. Planned.”

Note that the value in this field may depend on whether the field “Show Original Figures” in the card part is marked or not. See this field and the field “Actual” in the card part.

If the value of the field “Unit of Measure” is “Cost Price,” this field displays the text “n/a,” meaning “Not Applicable.”

Used Shows the quantity of actuals also for amount activities marked for progress by quantity when the unit of measure is Hours. When the unit of measure is Cost Price then this field shows the cost price of actuals.
Estimate to Completion This field is applicable only for time activities.

If the value of the field “Unit of Measure” in the card part is “Hours,” this field shows the expected time required to complete the task on the planning budget line for the date specified in the field “Date” in the card part. The value is calculated as the previous estimated time required to complete less the number of hours planned for the period between the previous estimate date and the current estimate date.

For example, on April 29 the estimated time required to completion is 80 hours. Between April 29 and May 6, 20 hours are registered on the task. The expected time required to complete for May 6 will then be 80 minus 20, which is 60 hours.

Est. Time to Compl., Days The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Estimate to Completion.” However, this field only applies when the unit of measure is “Hours,” and you enter the estimate to completion as a number of days instead of a number of hours. If you enter a number of days, it is automatically converted into a number of hours which is inserted in the field “Estimate to Completion.” The number of hours is calculated by multiplying the number of days by the value in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the card part of the window Jobs.
Total This field shows the sum of used and estimate to completion quantity, also for amount activities marked for progress by quantity.

This field shows the new estimated total as of the estimate date. This field equals the sum of the values of the fields “Actual” and “Estimate to Completion.” The field corresponds to the total estimate of the field “Quantity” in the window Job Budgets.

Rounding Diff. This field shows the rounding difference for activities.
Baseline This field shows the baseline value for activities.

This field shows the number of hours or the costs of the baseline budget for the current line. The field corresponds to the field “Total” above, but displays the budgeted quantity on the baseline budget line instead of the planning budget, and the field cannot be changed in this window.

Baseln. Dev. This field shows the current deviation of the planning budget line from the baseline budget line, that is, the difference between the value in the field “Total” and the field “Baseline.”
Deviation This field shows the deviation of the estimated total compared to the previously estimated total for the current planning budget line. The value of this field is calculated as the value of the field “Total” less the value of the field “Prev. Total.”
Acc. Deviation This field shows the accumulated deviation of the estimated total, which is the difference between the estimated total on the first progress history entry for the planning budget line and the value of the field “Total.”
Expected estimate to completion This field is applicable only for time activities.
Expected estimate to compl., Days The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Estimate to Completion.” However, this field shows the expected estimate to completion as a number of days instead of a number of hours. The number of days is calculated by dividing the number of hours by the value in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the card part of the window Jobs.
CP % This field shows the completion percentage based on quantity for amount activities marked for progress by quantity.

This field shows the completion percentage of the current task. The value is calculated as the value of the field “Actual” divided by the value of the field “Total,” expressed as a percentage value.

Remarks In this field, you can enter a remark about the completion estimate of the current task. The remark can be seen in the window Task Progress.
Prev. Planned This field shows the number of hours that have been planned for the planning budget line as at the date of the previous estimate date.
Prev. Actual If the value of the field “Unit of Measure” in the card part is “Hours,” this field shows the number of hours that have been completed for the planning budget line as at the previous estimate date. The number is calculated as the total number of hours registered as time activities on the current planning budget line by means of time sheets or job journals.

Note that the value in this field may depend on whether the field “Show Original Figures” in the card part is marked or not. See this field and the field “Actual” in the card part.

Prev. Estimate to Completion This field shows the number of hours or the amount previously required to complete the task on the planning budget line.
Prev. Estimate to Compl., Days The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Prev. Estimate to Completion.” However, this field shows the previous estimate to completion as a number of days instead of a number of hours. The number of days is calculated by dividing the number of hours by the value in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the card part of the window Jobs.
Prev. Total This field shows the estimated total as of the previous estimate date. This field equals the sum of the values of the fields “Prev. Actual” and “Prev. Estimate to Completion.”

Note that the value of this field may depend on whether the field “Show Original Figures” in the card part is marked or not. See this field and the field “Actual” in the card part.

Activity Name This field shows the activity name of the current planning budget line.
Task Description This field shows the task of the planning budget line.
Empl. Cat. Name This field shows the name of the employee category specified on the current planning budget line.
Suggested Est. to Compl. This field shows the suggested estimate to completion for activities.

This field shows the estimated time or cost to complete as suggested by Maconomy. When an estimate date is entered in the card part, the contents of this field and the field “Estimate to Completion” will be the same. However, if you change the value of the field “ETC,” this field will remind you of the original value suggested by Maconomy.

Suggested Est. to Compl., Days This field shows the suggested estimate to completion as a number of days instead of a number of hours. The number of days is calculated by dividing the number of hours by the value in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the card part of the window Jobs.
ETC from Time Sheet This field shows number of hours estimated to complete the task as specified on the Time Sheet.
Progress Unit Billing Price, Currency This field shows the budget line's progress unit billing price in the job currency.

If the Billing Price Based on Actuals and ETC job parameter is enabled on the job, the billing price in the planning budget is updated based on the registered billing price plus any write up/down.

For time activities, and for amount activities where the Progress by Quantity field is selected, the total billing price is calculated as the sum of the revenue recognized and the estimated time to completion multiplied by the Progress Unit Billing Price.

Progress Markup % This field shows the budget line's markup percentage when you run a progress evaluation.

If the Billing Price Based on Actuals and ETC job parameter is enabled on the job, this markup percentage is used when calculating the billing price from the registered billing price plus any write up/down.

For amount activities where the Progress by Quantity field is not selected, the total billing price is calculated as the sum of the revenue recognized and the estimated cost to completion marked up with the Progress Markup Percentage.

Total Billing Price, Currency

This field shows the budget lines total budgeted billing price in the job currency.

The total billing price is calculated by multiplying the number in the Quantity field by the billing price per piece in the Billing Price, Currency field. Billing prices are totaled in the tab of the workspace, and Maconomy alerts you if the grand total exceeds the billing price budget limit, which is entered in the Limit field in the Budget island.

If the Billing Price Based on Actuals and ETC job parameter is enabled on the job , the total billing price is updated based on the registered billing price plus any write up/down when you create a new progress evaluation or subsequently change the ETC.

For more details, see the description of the Billing Price Based on Actuals and ETC job parameter.

Planned Starting Date

Enter the date on which you plan to begin the activity.

Maconomy uses the prices valid as of this date when deciding which version of the price list assigned to the job, if any, should be used for price calculation on job budget lines. If you do not specify a date in this field, Maconomy uses today's date for the calculation of prices.

If you later change the value in this field, Maconomy will recalculate prices on job budget lines only if the budget has not been approved, and if the system is set up to update prices upon dimension change in the System Parameters workspace. You can also choose to have Maconomy recalculate prices by using the Recalculate Job Budget action. When you use this action, Maconomy will also use the price lists valid as of the date specified in this field, if any, for the recalculation.

By using the Transfer Job Dates action, you can prepopulate this field with the value of the Start Date field in the Jobs workspace for the current job. At the same time, the Planned Ending Date field is populated with the value of the Estimated Ending Date field in the Jobs workspace.

When you create requisitions or purchase orders from the current line, the date in this field is transferred to the Pref. Deliv. Date field in the tab of the requisition or purchase order and the Delivery Date field in the sub-tab. In addition, the specified date can be used in reports.

If you copy a budget with a planned starting date to a new budget with the same job number, this field will also be copied to the new budget. However, you should note that a date in this field does not influence the possibility of assigning periods to the budget line in the Periodic Job Budgets workspace.

When the Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date system parameter is enabled,

the planned starting date is displayed only when all the sublevel lines have a date.

Planned Ending Date

Enter the date you plan to end the activity. The date specified will be of importance in the Detailed Planning workspace in the Resource Planning module; the date specified in this field will be copied to planning lines created based on the budget in question.

By using the Transfer Job Dates action, you can prepopulate this field with the value of the Estimated Ending Date field in the Jobs workspace for the current job. At the same time, the Planned Starting Date field is populated with the value of the Start Date field in the Jobs workspace.

When the Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date system parameter is enabled,

the planned ending date is displayed only when all the sublevel lines have a date.

First Possible Starting Date

This field shows the first possible starting date of the activity. The specified date is for reference only, for example, for use in reports.

When the Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date system parameter is enabled,

the first possible starting date is displayed only when all the sublevel lines have a date.

Last Possible Ending Date

This field shows the last possible ending date of the activity. The specified date is for reference only, for example, for use in reports.

When the Calculate Dates on Budget Sum Lines Only When All Sublevels Have a Date system parameter is enabled,

the last possible ending date is displayed only when all the sublevel lines have a date.