Locations Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Locations tab.

Location Island

Field Description
Name Here you specify the name of the location, if you are creating one. Maconomy checks that the name does not already exist. This name is the unique identification of the location.

You cannot change the name of an existing location. You can delete a location which has not been used in the current and previous fiscal years. This also applies to locations assigned to entries in unposted journals.

Description Here you give a full description of the location. This description is shown elsewhere in Maconomy.
Blocked Here you can specify that the location cannot be used for new entries. If the box is checked, you cannot assign the location to new transactions or information cards. However, the location is used if it is assigned to non-posted G/L entries before the box is checked. You can make statistics for a blocked location.

Dimension Combination Island

Field Description
Dim. Comb. No. In this field, you can enter the number of a dimension combination of the type “Dimension Derivation” created in the Dimension Combinations workspace.

If you specify a dimension combination, Maconomy will use the values in this dimension combination when deriving dimensions from the current location. However, any dimension derivation values specified in this island will be used instead of those specified for the same dimensions in the dimension combination. This means that the dimension combination only applies to the dimensions for which no value has been entered on the location information card.

The functionality on period-specific sets of derived dimension values in the Derived Dimensions workspace, which is described in the field “Account No.” below, also applies to this field.

See the section on dimension derivation in “Introduction to the G/L module,” as well as the description of the Dimension Derivation and Dimension Combinations workspaces in the G/L module for further information about dimension derivation.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Statistics 1-4 In each of these four fields, you can enter a code which can be used in the target group specification of various statistics printouts.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the User island.

Remarks Island

In these fields, you can enter additional information about the current dimension value for the Location dimension.

Derived Account Island

Field Description
Account No. In this field, you can specify a value for the Account dimension if you want this value to be derived from the current location. If you also want this value to overwrite any manually entered values for the dimension, you can indicate this by checking the “Overwrite” check box. If you do not select to overwrite, the dimension value will only be derived if the dimension field to which the derivation is performed is not manually completed or completed by use of a registration code.

Even if you have specified a dimension combination in the field “Dim. Comb. No.” above, a value entered in this field will be used rather than the value (if any) found for this dimension in the dimension combination in question. This means that the dimension combination only applies to this dimension if you have not entered a value in this field.

Please note that if a dimension combination has been specified in the field “Dim. Comb. No.,” a mark in the field “Overwrite” will only have effect if you have also entered a dimension value. If you mark the field “Overwrite,” but you do not enter a dimension value in this field, the “Overwrite” field is ignored, as dimension values and overwriting specification are always retrieved together from the same dimension derivation island, dimension combination or dimension combination line.

In the Derived Dimensions workspace, you can create period-specific sets of derived dimensions if the dimension values to be derived from the current location should vary, depending on the entry date of the registrations to which dimension values are derived from the current location. In this context, the value in this field is always reflected in the corresponding field on the dimension derivation line that has a blank ending date, and changing the dimension values in this field will cause the corresponding information on that dimension derivation line to be updated accordingly, and vice versa.

When you create an account, Maconomy automatically creates a line in the Derived Dimensions workspace with the information specified in this island, and a blank starting and ending date, indicating that this line applies on all registrations regardless of entry date. In effect, as long as you do not need the dimension values derived from the location to change on a given date, you only need to enter dimension derivation information in this island.

Please note, however, that if you have added period specific set of derived dimensions in the Derived Dimensions workspace, the dimension derivation line that has a blank ending date is not necessarily the dimension derivation line valid on today’s date. You should therefore be aware that if period specific sets of derived dimensions have been created for the location, the dimension values derived from the current location are not necessarily those appearing in this island.

See the section on dimension derivation in “Introduction to the G/L module,” as well as the description of the Dimension Derivation and Dimension Combinations workspaces in the G/L module for further information about dimension derivation. For information on period-specific sets of derived dimensions, see the Derived Dimensions workspace in the G/L module.

Derived Dimensions Island

Field Description
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account No.” above. Entities are created in the Entities workspace.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account No.” above. Projects are created in the Projects workspace.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account No.” above. Purposes are created in the Purposes workspace.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Account No.” above. Specification values are created in the Specification 1-3 workspaces.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Account No.” above. Local Specification values are created in the Local Specification 1-3 workspaces.