Serial Number Information Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Serial Number Information Tab.

Item Island

Field Description
Item No. This is the number of the item. You can only see items marked for serial number control in the “Serial No. Control” field in the item information card.

Next to the item number is the text entered in the “Description Lang. 1” field in the item information card. Item number and text cannot be changed here.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
No. of Serial Nos. In Stock This field shows how many serial numbered articles of the item, of those shown in the table, are currently in stock. A serial number is in stock if there is a value greater than 0 in the field “Stock on Hand” in the table.

If you receive a serial number in the Item Purchase module, it will be added to the quantity in the field “Stock on Hand.” When you sell a serial numbered article in the Sales Orders module, the quantity sold will similarly be deducted.

Maconomy does not automatically verify that the number of serial numbers in stock is the same as the quantity of the item in stock. The item volume can be seen in the Item Information window.

If you wish to balance the item volume with serial number volume, compare the “Volume” field in the Item Information window with the quantity here. You select the relevant warehouse in the “Warehouse” field.

Show Only Ser. Nos. in Stock If you mark this field, the table will only show serial numbers currently in your inventory. A serial number is in stock when there is a value greater than zero in the field “Stock on Hand” in the table.
Warehouse Here you select the warehouse of the serial numbers you wish to see in the table. A serial number is placed in the warehouse selected in the “Warehouse” field in the serial number line. A serial number can be assigned to a warehouse without being available, that is, that the value in the field “Stock on Hand” is not more than zero.

The pop-up field shows existing warehouses created in the Warehouse Information Card window.

Serial No. Here you can enter a range of serial numbers. The table will only show articles within this range that have serial number control. They are sorted by serial number.

If you do not complete this field, it will not influence the selection criteria.

Alternative Serial No. Here you can enter a range of alternative serial numbers. The table will only show articles with an alternative serial number within this range. You can use an alternative serial number if the wrong serial number was entered for an article received in the Item Purchase module. You can then use the correct serial number as alternative serial number.

If you do not complete this field, it will not influence the selection criteria.

Date Received Here you enter a range of dates. The table will only show serial numbers received within this period.

If you do not complete this field, it will not influence the selection criteria.

You can enter the date a serial number is received when you enter the serial number manually in this window. When a serial number is received in the Item Purchase module, Maconomy automatically inserts the date.

Delivery Date Here you enter a range of dates. The table will only show serial numbers delivered to a customer within this period.

If you do not complete this field, it will not influence the selection criteria.

You can enter the date a serial number is delivered when you enter the serial number manually in this window. When a serial number is delivered from Sales Orders module, Maconomy automatically inserts the date.

Production Date In these fields, you can enter a range of production dates. The table part will only show serial numbers with a production date within the stated range.
Sell-by Date In these fields, you can enter a range of sell-by dates. The table part will only show serial numbers with a sell-by date within the specified range.
Expiry Date In these fields, you can enter a range of expiry dates. The table part will only show serial numbers with an expiry date within the specified range.