Asset Internal Sale Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to sell assets internally, that is, to another department in the company or to a subsidiary that is a separate legal entity.

Maconomy transfers all of the information that you entered on the asset to a new asset, which Maconomy creates in the company to which the asset is sold. The sum of all transactions is saved to the new asset.

Maconomy transfers all of the dimension values and posting values to an asset that Maconomy creates in the company to which the asset is sold. In that company, Maconomy treats the asset as an acquisition. Maconomy enters the acquisition date as the date of sale and assigns to the asset a new asset number drawn from a predefined number series for the company in which the asset is created. Maconomy updates the asset's company information and dimension information and transfers all other asset information—such as asset group, subgroup, serial number, and financial information—from the asset that is being sold to the new asset. In the Assets workspace Maconomy selects the Internal Purchase field for the new asset, indicating that the asset has been acquired via an internal sale. Maconomy also transfers depreciation information, including the depreciation method and period, and resets the last depreciation automatically. Maconomy enters the depreciable value of the asset based on the transferred price of sale, along with non-depreciable and residual value. Maconomy also resets all improvements, write-ups, and write-downs. Maconomy transfers all of the remaining fields and values from the asset that was sold.

Upon approval of the internal asset sale, Maconomy creates an asset adjustment with asset entries for the company from which the current asset is being sold—one line per asset transaction type—and an asset entry for the company to which the current asset is sold.

If the currencies that the two companies use are different, Maconomy converts the asset values into the currency that the company to which the asset is sold uses. The Asset Entries sub-tab of the Asset Adjustment workspace displays the company number and base currency of each asset entry. You cannot change the asset transaction type in the Asset Adjustment workspace. Maconomy assigns an asset transaction type of Internal Sale to all entries. If an internal sale causes currency conversions that result in profit or loss amounts, you can post those amounts on the accounts for internal sale specified for each asset group in the Asset Groups workspace.

Note that you cannot delete an approved asset adjustment. If you do not want to sell the asset, you must manually transfer it back in the system using this workspace.