Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Line This is the line number in the report. All report lines are numbered in consecutive order. When lines are inserted or removed, Maconomy renumbers the lines and their references. The line number is transferred to the tab-separated file created by the “Create tab-separated file” action.
Account/Line 1 Here you enter either the number of a G/L account in the chart of accounts or the number of an earlier line in the current report. If you cannot remember the number of an existing G/L account, you can use the search functions in the Find menu. You can only use accounts of the type “Control” or “Manual.”

If you specify a number that is both the number of a G/L account and the number of a report line, Maconomy uses the information on the G/L account. The value in the field is transferred to the tab-separated file created by the “Create tab-separated file” action.

Name This is the text assigned to the G/L account or the line number specified in the “Account/Line 1” field. The text is transferred to the tab -separated file created by the “Create tab-separated file” action.
+, -, *, /, %, :, Constant Here you enter either an operator or a constant. The operator is used to calculate the values in the “Period” and “YTD” fields. Below is a description of the function of the legal values in this field. The value is transferred to the tab-separated file created by the “Create tab-separated file” action.
  • “+”— The balance for the account or the value on the report line specified in the “Account/Line 1” field is added to the balance for the account or the value on the report line specified in the “Account/Line 2” field.
  • “-”— The balance for the account or the value on the report line specified in the “Account/Line 2” field is subtracted from the balance for the account or the value on the report line specified in the “Account/Line 1” field.
  • “*”— The balance for the account or the value on the report line specified in the “Account/Line 1” field is multiplied by the balance for the account or the value on the report line specified in the “Account/Line 2” field.
  • “/”— The balance for the account or the value on the report line specified in the “Account/Line 1” field is divided by the balance for the account or the value on the report line specified in the “Account/Line 2” field. If the last balance/value is zero, the result of the calculation is 0.
  • “%”— The balance for the account or the value on the report line specified in the “Account/Line 1” field is calculated as a percentage of the balance for the account or the value on the report line specified in the “Account/Line 2” field. If the last balance/value is zero, the result is 0.
  • “:”— Maconomy calculates the total of the balances for all positing accounts within the range from the G/L account specified in the field “Account/Line 1,” up to and including the G/L account given in the field “Account/Line 2.” Note that you cannot specify a range of report line numbers. Maconomy checks that you enter existing account numbers in the fields “Account/Line 1” and “Account/Line 2,” when you select the “:” operator.
  • Constant — You can enter a constant if you need to use a constant value in later calculations. If so, you merely refer to the line number. The constant must be a whole number. You cannot at the same time enter values in the fields “Account/Line 1” and “Account/Line 2.” Maconomy checks this. The field’s value is transferred to the fields “Period” and “YTD.”
Account/Line 2 Here you enter either the number of a G/L account in the chart of accounts or the number of an earlier line in the current report. If you cannot remember the number of an existing G/L account, you can use the search functions in the Find menu. You can only use accounts of the type “Control” or “Manual.”

If you enter a number that is both the number of a G/L account and the number of a report line, Maconomy will use the information on the G/L account. The value in the field is transferred to the tab-separated file created by the “Create tab-separated file” action.

Name This is the text assigned to the G/L account or the line number specified in the “Account/Line 2” field. The text is transferred to the tab-separated file created by the “Create tab-separated file” action.
Description Here you specify a text to describe the value calculated on the line. The text is transferred to the “Name” field on another report line, if there is a reference to the line. The text is transferred to the tab-separated file created by the “Create tab-separated file” action.
Period This field shows the value calculated on the line. The calculation is based on the periodical balances for the period specified in the Last Settlement island in the Ad Hoc Analysis tab. If one of the fields on the line is changed, Maconomy blanks this field. The value is calculated using the “Calculate Ad Hoc Analysis” action. It is then shown here. The value is transferred to the tab-separated file created by the “Create tab-separated file” action.
YTD This field shows the calculated value on the line, based on the year-to-date balances for the period specified in the Last Settlement island in the Ad Hoc Analysis tab. Note that the year-to-date balances follow the fiscal year and not the calendar year. If one of the fields on the line is changed, Maconomy blanks this field. The value is calculated using the “Calculate Ad Hoc Analysis” action. It is then shown here. The value is transferred to the tab-separated file created by the “Create tab-separated file” action.
Print Here you specify whether to transfer the line to the tab-separated file created using the “Create tab-separated file” action. Maconomy marks the field automatically.