Customer Level Setup Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Customer Level Setup tab.

Customer Linking Rules Island

Field Description
Level 1 - Level 2 In this field, you can enter the standard linking rule from level one to level two. If no linking rule is specified, the standard linking rule will be used.
Level 2 - Level 3 In this field, you can enter the standard linking rule from level two to level three. If no linking rule is specified, the standard linking rule will be used.
Level 3 - Level 4 In this field, you can enter the standard linking rule from level three to level four. If no linking rule is specified, the standard linking rule will be used.
Level 4 - Level 5 In this field, you can enter the standard linking rule from level four to level five. If no linking rule is specified, the standard linking rule will be used.

Contact Company Linking Rules Island

Field Description
Level 1 - Level 2 In this field you can enter the standard linking rule from level one to level two. If no linking rule is specified the standard linking rule will be used.
Level 2 - Level 3 In this field, you can enter the standard linking rule from level two to level three. If no linking rule is specified, the standard linking rule will be used.
Level 3 - Level 4 In this field, you can enter the standard linking rule from level three to level four. If no linking rule is specified, the standard linking rule will be used.
Level 4 - Level 5 In this field, you can enter the standard linking rule from level four to level five. If no linking rule is specified, the standard linking rule will be used.

Level Names Island

Field Description
Level 1 Name - Level 5 Name In this field, you specify the name of Customer level 1 through 5.