Periodic Job Budgets Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Periodic Job Budgets tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the number and name of the job to which the current budget applies. The value cannot be changed manually.
Job Group This field shows the job group to which the job is assigned. It can be changed in the window Jobs for as long as the job has the status “Quote.”
Status This field shows the job’s status as specified in the window Jobs.
Template This field shows whether the job is a template job or a normal job.
Project Manager This field shows the name of the employee assigned to be responsible for the job.
Closed If this field is marked, the job has been closed in the window Jobs.

As long as a job is closed, you cannot enter new budget lines, change existing budget lines, or make job entries.

Limit Island

Field Description
Hours In this field, you can enter the number of employee hours estimated to be spent on the job. This figure can be compared to the total budgeted number of hours displayed in the column “Hours” in the island Budget, or you can use it in a subsequent budget control calculation, in which you compare the customer budget with the job’s actual figures.
Cost, Base In this field, you enter the total budgeted cost of the job in the job’s base currency.
Billing Price, Curr. In these fields you enter the total budgeted billing price of the job in the job’s currency. The amount in this field is the same as the amount given in the field “Max. Billing Price” in the window Jobs.

Properties Island

Field Description
Link Quantity for Cost and Sales If this field is marked, quantities entered for cost and sales on each line are linked; that is, if the quantity for a cost on a line is changed, the quantity for sales on that line is changed accordingly. This also applies to cost and sales prices. However, marking this field will not affect already entered figures on the budget lines. If the field is not marked, cost and sales quantities are not linked, and any change made for one quantity is thus not reflected in another quantity.
Price Look-Up per Period Start If this field is marked, the first date of the period in which a quantity or amount is entered or changed is used as the basis for the calculation of cost and sales prices for the period in question. The calculation is performed on the basis of the usual price calculation principles used in the Job Cost module.

If the field is not marked, the calculation will be based on the price list valid per the planned starting date specified on the line or, if no such date has been specified, the calculation will be based on today’s date. The calculation is performed the first time the user enters a quantity in a period.

Job Budget Follows Periodic Job Budget If you mark this field, the figures on the budget lines will be linked to the figures entered for the periods in this window; that is, the quantities, cost, and sales prices displayed on the regular budget lines will be equal to the sum of the quantities, cost, and sales prices specified for the corresponding fields in the periods in this window. In this connection you should note that Maconomy does not issue a warning before changing the amounts and quantities on the budget lines when this field is marked. Therefore, you should use this function with caution.

The mark in this field is automatically removed when a budget line is created or if a figure in a field related to the regular budget is changed.

By not marking this field, you can allocate quantities and prices to periods without having these changes reflected on the regular budget lines.

Budget Island

This island shows a job’s total budgeted quantities, costs, and sales prices as well as calculated gross margins and gross margin percentages for the selected periods. The figures are displayed in the base currency of the company responsible for the job in question. The periods for which figures are to be displayed are selected in the leftmost column, in which you can choose among the period types month, quarter, half a year, and one year. The figures shown in the remaining part of this island are thus determined by the periods selected in this island and the quantities and prices specified for each period on each budget line in the table part of the window.

Field Description
Period Length In these fields, you can select the length of the periods as first specified in the above island Periods. A period can have the length of a month, a quarter, half a year, or one year. The starting and ending dates of the periods are determined by the fiscal year periods as defined in the window Fiscal Year in the system. The periods selected are displayed with an abbreviation of the period, such as “Jan. 02” (January 2002), or “Q1 03” (first quarter 2003).

You can change the period of each of the six pop-up fields to have the island display the desired figures; that is, you can choose to see figures for a period of, for example, six months with one month per line, a period of three quarters and three months, or a period of six quarters. The time span for which you can choose to see periods is determined by the period specified in the island Periods; that is, if you have specified a time span covering eight months, you can thus only choose to see periods within those eight months.

Prior, Periods This row shows the totals for all prior periods, that is, all quantities, prices, and margins budgeted on the current job budget before the first period selected in the leftmost column.
Future Periods This row shows the totals for all later periods, that is, all quantities, prices and margins budgeted after the last period selected in the leftmost column.
Non-allocated This row shows figures for the part of the budget totals which has not been allocated to a certain period.
Total This row shows the total of the job’s budgeted number of hours, costs, and billing prices specified in the table part of the window.
Hours This column shows the number of employee hours regarding costs that have been estimated to be spent on the job. The figures displayed in this column depend on the period types selected in the leftmost column and the quantities entered for each period on each job budget line in the table part of the window. If you make changes to the cost quantities in the table part of the window or if you change one or more period types in the leftmost column from, for example, month to quarter, the figures in this column will change accordingly.
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Cost This column shows the budgeted costs of the job in the base currency of the job’s responsible company. The figures displayed depend on the period types selected in the leftmost column and the cost prices entered for each period on each job budget line in the table part of the window. Note that the figures in this column are the sum of the costs of both time and amount activities specified in the table part of the window.

If the user does not have access to see cost for time, as specified in the window Actions in the Set-Up module, the costs shown in the column “Hours” will be zero.

Billing Price This column shows the budgeted sales of the job in the base currency of the job’s responsible company. The figures displayed depend on the period types selected in the leftmost column and the sales prices entered for each period on each job budget line in the table part of the window.
GM This column shows the job’s budgeted gross margin in the base currency of the company responsible for the job. Gross margin is calculated by subtracting the cost in the “Cost” field from the billing price in the field “Billing Price.”
GM % This column shows the job’s budgeted gross margin percentage. Gross margin percentage is calculated as the gross margin percentage of the billing price displayed in the column “Billing Price.” Gross margin is shown in the column “GM.”

Reallocate Budget Island

Field Description
New Starting Period In these fields, you can specify a new period to apply to the display of figures in the island Budget. When you specify a new starting period in this field and select the function “Reallocate Budget” in the Action menu, Maconomy automatically reallocates the budget to start with the period specified in this field. The change will apply to both the periods displayed in the island Budget and the corresponding fields in the table part of the window.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company This field shows the number and name of the settling company that applies to the current job.

If the number in this field is different from the one specified in the island Company, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany entries at the posting of job invoices. In the intercompany entries, the company in this field will be the intercompany company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

For further information about the influence of a settling company and how such a company is selected, please see the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module.” Intercompany entries are described in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module.

Description Island

Field Description
Internal In these three fields, you can view and edit the internal description of the job. The information is initially transferred from the window Jobs, but can be changed here.
Ref. This is the reference from the field “Ref.” in the window Jobs.

Status Island

Field Description
Submitted This field displays whether the job budget has been submitted. The field is automatically marked when the action “Submit Budget” is selected. Note that as this window and the window Job Budgets are linked, this field will be selected if the current job budget has been submitted in the window Job Budgets, and vice versa.
Approved This field displays whether the job budget has been approved. The field is automatically marked when the action “Approve Budget” is selected, and the mark is removed if the budget is reopened.
Reopened This field displays whether the job budget has been reopened. The field is automatically marked when the action “Reopen Budget” is selected.
Reopened by This field displays the name of the user who reopened the job budget.

Line Creation Island

Field Description
Default Line Type In this pop-up field, you can select a default value for the field “Line Type” in the table part of the window. Every time you create a line, the value selected here will be selected on the new line, and you can then change it to something else. Please see the description of the field “Line Type” in the table part.

Budget Type Island

Field Description
Show Budget In this field, you choose the budget you wish to see. The budget lines are shown in the table, and the sums of the defined periods are displayed in the island Budget. When you open this window or browse through the different jobs in this window, you will see the budget of the type you looked at last.

Each budget type has its own audit trail, which is displayed through a number in the field “Revision No.” in the island Revision. Previous revisions of each budget type can be viewed in the window Job Budget Revisions.

Current Budget In this field, you choose which budget you are currently using for the job. It can be changed as long as you have not made any purchase orders or requisitions. The budget chosen here is regarded as the job’s overall budget elsewhere in Maconomy. Budget types are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Forecast Budget In this field, you choose the budget to be used as the current job’s forecast budget. In the forecast budget you can enter, for example, activities, cost, billing prices, and dates, and use these to evaluate potential jobs. Forecast budgets can be analyzed using the Analyzer report/report template Job Forecasts.
Planning Budget In this field, you choose the budget to be used as the current job’s planning budget. The planning budget is used to register dates, employees, and items to give an overview of the expected use of these resources. Planning budgets can be analyzed using the Analyzer report/report template Planning Budgets.

If the value in this field is changed, Maconomy checks the existence of any planning lines in the window Detailed Planning in the Resource Planning module which have been created on the basis of the previous planning budget. If there are no such lines, the planning budget for the job in question will be changed. If such planning lines exist, however, Maconomy will issue a warning indicating that all planning lines assigned to the current budget will be removed from the detailed planning.

If the current planning budget belongs to a job for which one or both of the job parameter attributes “Duplicate lines (amount) on planning budget” or “Duplicate lines (time) on planning budget” have the value “No,” you can only change the budget type if the selected type does not contain more than one line with the same combination of activity and task. If you change the budget type, Maconomy will issue a warning, and any job progress entries and task progress entries are deleted for the job.

The table part of the window Job Planning shows budget lines from the planning budget of the current job.

Quote Price, Curr. Island

Field Description
Quote Price This field displays the job’s quote price in the currency used on the current job. The amount derives from the field “Effective Quote Price” in the window Jobs, but can be edited in this field if the job status is “Quote” and the quote has not been approved in the window Quote Editing. Otherwise, the price can be changed in the table part of the window Quote Editing.

For fixed-price jobs, the effective quote price can only be entered or changed in the window Quote Editing. For further information, please see the description of the window Quote Editing.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This field shows the number and name of the customer associated with the job (the ship-to customer).

Forecast Island

Field Description
Probability % In this field, you can enter the probability percentage rating for whether the current job, which is on quote, will result in an order. When the job is converted to an order, Maconomy will automatically change the value of this field to “100.”

The value is this field is used in the Analyzer report/report template Job Forecasts to determine, for example, the expected profit on current jobs in quote.

Periods Island

Field Description
Show In these fields, you can specify a range of periods to be displayed in the island Budget and in the table part of the window. If, for example, you specify the period “1/2002 – 6/2002,” the leftmost column in the island Budget will display six lines, one for each month from January to June 2002. The periods displayed are determined by the way in which periods are set up in the window Fiscal Year in the G/L module.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number and name of the company responsible for the current job. The value is transferred from the island Company in the window Jobs and cannot be changed here.
Base Currency This field shows the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Revision Island

Field Description
Revision No. This field displays the number of the current revision of the job budget. The number in this field is automatically changed when you make a new revision by selecting the action “New Revision” in the Action menu.
Remarks In these fields, you can enter information about the current revision of the job budget. If a new revision of the budget is made, the contents of these fields will be removed, allowing you to enter remarks about the new revision of the budget. These fields are the only fields in the budget which are affected by the creation of a revision. The remarks can still be viewed in the window Job Budget Revisions.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.