Column Description Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Column Description Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
No. This is the column number. This number determines where on the printout the column is placed. This number is also used for referring to a given column in column calculations.

You can define up to 40 columns, but the number of columns printed depends on the layout that you choose.

Heading Enter the column header here. It is printed in the report using a report line of the type “Column Heading.”

It is possible to use fixed texts as well as texts which refer to the period the column is for. When the report is printed, the text is replaced by the value it represents. If the column covers more than one month, the printout shows the first and the last month in the period.

These are the references you can use:

  • #MonthNumber
  • #MonthName
  • #MonthNumber/Year
  • #MonthName/Year
Type In this field, you can specify the figures on which the amounts in the column should be based. You can choose between the following figures:
  • Amount in Base Currency — The column will display amounts posted in the base currency of each company. Unless you specify a currency in the field “Currency,” the column figures will be displayed in the base currency assigned to each entry. Note that if a report concerns companies that use nonmatching base currencies, Maconomy does not consider that the currencies do not match when calculating totals. This means that, for example, the amount DEM 250.00 and GBP 750.00 will result in a calculated total of 1,000.00. If totals are to be calculated, you are therefore urged to create a column where each line amount is converted in a specific currency.
  • Amount in Currency — The column will display amounts posted in the currency of the account. Unless you specify a currency in the field “Currency,” the column figures will be displayed in the base currency assigned to the account on each entry. Note that if a report concerns accounts that use non-matching base currencies, Maconomy does not consider that the currencies do not match when calculating totals. This means that, for example, the amount DEM 250.00 and GBP 750.00 will result in a calculated total of 1,000.00. If totals are to be calculated, you are therefore urged to create a column where each line amount is converted in a specific currency.
  • Quantity — The column will display actual or budgeted quantities.
  • Quantity 2 — The column will display actual quantity 2 figures. It is not possible to extract budgeted quantity 2 figures, as budgets cannot be made on quantity 2.
  • Calculation — The column will display the result of a calculation using one or more other columns. Enter the calculation formula in the “Calculation” field.
  • Text — In each report line, the column will display the text entered in the “Calculation” field. If “Text” is chosen, the report line will display the line text and not the column text.
  • Amount in Enterprise — The column will display amounts posted in the enterprise currency. Unless you specify a currency in the field “Currency,” the column figures will be displayed in enterprise currency.
  • Tax — The column is based on the tax amounts derived from the entries in the Selection Criteria. If the Selection Criteria, for example, includes an entry of USD 80, which caused a tax entry of USD 8, the USD 8 will appear in this column.
Basis Here you choose whether to display actual or budgeted figures, provided you have chosen “Amount in Base Currency,” “Amount in Currency,” “Amount in Enterprise,” or “Quantity” in the “Type” field. You can choose between “Actual” or “Budget.” Note that if you select “Budget,” you must select the option “Amount in Base Currency” in the field “Type,” as Maconomy only maintains budget figures in the base currency of the company assigned to each budget entry. If you have specified “Tax” in the field “Type,” you must select “Actual” in this field.
Balance Here you choose whether to display the period’s opening balance, closing balance, or period changes, provided you have selected “Amount,” “Quantity,” or “Tax” in the field “Type.” The options here are “Closing,” “Opening,” and “Change.”
Direction Here you choose whether to display the period’s debit entries, credit entries or all entries, provided you have chosen “Amount” in the “Text” field. The options are “Debit,” “Credit,” and blank, the last of which includes all entries.
Calculation Here you enter a calculation formula, provided you have chosen “Calculation” in the “Type” field.

A calculation formula can consist of references to other columns, numeric constants, and math operators. You refer to a column by entering its column number. A whole number preceded by a 0 is interpreted as a numeric constant. The math operators +, -, *, and / can be used for calculations involving columns or whole numbers. Parentheses may also be used to separate calculation expressions. Finally, you can use the % sign to find the percentage ratio between two columns.

Here are some examples of calculation expressions:

  • “1 2” in column three indicates that, for every line, column 3 calculates the difference between columns 1 and 2.
  • “(1 + 2) / 4 * 012” in column 3 indicates that column 3 calculates the sum of columns 1 and 2, divided by column 4, multiplied by 12. If column 4 is 0, column 3 will also be 0.
  • “1* 01.50” in column 2 means that column 2 is calculated as column 1 multiplied by the constant 1.5.
  • “1 % 2” in column 3 indicates that column 3 calculates column 1, less column 2, divided by column 2, multiplied by 100. If column 2 is 0, column 3 will also result in 0. If a text is entered in the system parameter “Text on division by 0 in G/L rep.,” a division by 0 will result in the column displaying the text entered in the system parameter.

Please note that if a line in the Column Description Lines sub-tab is deleted, Maconomy will not check whether the deleted line was referenced by one or more calculation formulas on other lines. For this reason it is recommended that you check the calculation formulas for references to the deleted lines and any subsequent lines which have changed number because of the deletion.

If you choose “Text” in the “Type” field, you can enter a text or a text reference in the Calculation field. If the line is a “Text” line, and you enter a text in the column, the printed report line will display the line text and not the column text.

You can enter fixed texts as well as texts to be retrieved by references to account, location, entity, or project. When the report is printed, the reference will be replaced with the value that it represents. Note that to get correct information in your reports, you should enter kernel strings for the relevant texts. It is, however, possible to enter template strings, but as these might not be configurable when using localized versions of Maconomy, using template strings might result in incomplete reports.

You can use the following account references:

  • #Account.AccountNumber
  • #Account.AccountText
  • #Account.Statistics1
  • #Account.Statistics2
  • #Account.Statistics3
  • #Account.Statistics4
  • #Account.AccountType
  • #Account.AccountGroup
  • #Account.Department
  • #Account.ItemVATCode
  • #Account.Blocked
  • #Account.ProfitAndLossStatus
  • #Account.VATCode
  • #Account.Currency
  • #Account.Note1...Note5

You can use the following references for dimensions. Replace “<dimension>” with the name of the dimension in the list below. The dimensions are written as follows:

  • Location
  • Entity
  • Project
  • Purpose
  • Specification1
  • Specification2
  • Specification3
  • LocalSpecification1
  • LocalSpecification2
  • LocalSpecification3

You can use the following references for the dimensions above:

  • #<dimension>.Name
  • #<dimension>.Description
  • #<dimension>.Statistics1
  • #<dimension>.Statistics2
  • #<dimension>.Statistics3
  • #<dimension>.Statistics4
  • #<dimension>.Blocked
  • #<dimension>.Note1
  • #<dimension>.Note2
  • #<dimension>.Note3
  • #<dimension>.Note4
  • #<dimension>.Note5

You can use the following column reference:

  • #Column.1...#Column.40

You can use the following extra texts of the report:

  • #Extratext.1... Extratext.6

(These texts will always refer to the main report, that is, the user-generated report).

You can use the following reference to the main company, that is, the company which appears on all printouts not related to a specific company:

  • #MainCompany

You can use the following references to the Company Information workspace:

  • #CompanyInformation.CompanyNumber
  • #CompanyInformation.Name1...5
  • #CompanyInformation.ZipCode
  • #CompanyInformation.City
  • #CompanyInformation.Country
  • #CompanyInformation.Phone
  • #CompanyInformation.Fax
  • #CompanyInformation.Telex
  • #CompanyInformation.Giro
  • #CompanyInformation.Bank
  • #CompanyInformation.CompRegNumber
  • #CompanyInformation.BACSNumber
  • #CompanyInformation.VATNumber
  • #CompanyInformation.Statistics1... Statistics4
  • #CompanyInformation.Blocked
  • #CompanyInformation.Currency
  • #CompanyInformation.Note1...Note5
  • #CompanyInformation.Address1... Address8
  • #CompanyInformation.Text1...Text20
  • #CompanyInformation.Date1...Date5
  • #CompanyInformation.Popup1...Popup5
  • #CompanyInformation.Real1...Real5
  • #CompanyInformation.Integer1...Integer5

Name 1-5, ZipCode, City, and Country refer to the Address fields in the Company Information workspace for the current company. Address 1-8, however, refer to formatted address information. This means that the address consists of Name 1-3, followed by ZipCode and City (in one field), followed by Name 4-5, and finally Country. Blank fields are omitted. This is best illustrated by an example:

  • The company information

    Name1 = “Maconomy NE Inc.”

    Name 2 = “33 Boston Post Road West, Suite 310” ZipCode = “MA 01752”

    City = “Marlborough” Country = “USA”

  • corresponds to the following: Address1 = “Maconomy NE Inc.”

    Address2 = “33 Boston Post Road West, Suite 310” Address3 = “Marlborough, MA 01752”

    Address4 = “USA”

The other address fields are blank.

You can use the following references to the current year and month:

  • #Year
  • #MonthNumber
  • #MonthNumber/Year
  • #MonthName
  • #MonthNumber/Year
Period Change In this field you can enter a whole number that determines the column period relative to the period in the G/L report Selection Criteria. For example, if you enter “-12” the column will display figures for the same period range in the previous year.
Period Reference In this field you can enter a time frame for which the figures in the column are to be shown, relative to the period in the G/L report Selection Criteria. You can choose between the following options:
  • Period — The column shows figures for the period specified in the G/L report Selection Criteria.
  • Month — The column shows figures for the last month specified in the G/L report Selection Criteria.
  • Quarter — The column shows figures for the quarter in which the last month specified in the G/L report Selection Criteria is included. If the G/L report is run for months 1-7 in a given year, the column will show the figures for months 7, 8, and 9. Note that the figures for the whole quarter will be included in the report, even though the Selection Criteria only include the 7th month.
  • Half Year — The column shows figures for the half year in which the last month specified in the G/L report Selection Criteria is included. If the G/L report is run for months 1-9 in a given year, the column will show the figures for months 7-12. Note that the figures for the entire half-year will be included in the report, even though the Selection Criteria only include the ninth month.
  • Year — The column shows figures for the last year included by the G/L report Selection Criteria. Note that the figures for the entire year will be included in the report, even though the Selection Criteria only include a given month of that year.

It applies to each of these period references that any relative period specified in the field “Period” above will affect the period reference specified in this field. To find the relevant period, Maconomy adds the number of months specified in the field “Period” (or deducts it if it is a negative figure) to the last month covered by the report and determines the period covering the resulting month. If, for instance, a report is to print figures from months 1-7 in a given year, and this field specifies “Quarter,” the column will show figures for the third quarter of the year, that is, the months 7, 8, and 9, as mentioned above. If a relative period of “-2” is specified in the field “Period,” Maconomy will deduct two months from the last month to be printed (month 7), thus determining that the last month to actually be covered by the report is month 5, which is in the second quarter of the year. Therefore, the column will, instead, show figures for the second quarter, that is, the months 4, 5, and 6.

Show As Choose the number format here. You can choose between “Decimals,” “In Whole Numbers,” “In Thousands,” “Millions with one decimal,” or “Millions.”
Print If you check this field, the current column will be printed out.
Company From The values in this field and in the field “Company To” constitute a range of company numbers to be included in the column figures. This range is only used if the column should display realized or budgeted figures. The range applying to a given report field can, however, also derive from the card or table part of the report definitions in which the column appears. For a description of the priority used for determining the company range to apply to each report field in a given report, you should therefore see the field “Company No. From” in the table part of the G/L Report Set-Up workspace.
Company To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Account No. From The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Account No. To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Location From The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Location To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Entity From The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Entity To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Project From The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Project To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Purpose From The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Purpose To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Spec. 1-3 From The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Spec. 1-3 To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 From The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 To The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company From” above.
Budget Model If you have selected “Budget” in the field “Basis,” you can select the specific budget model from which to retrieve the figures in this field. If you select both a specific budget model and a budget type in the field “Budget Type,” a budget model of the specified name and type must exist. Otherwise, no figures will be displayed.
Budget Type If you have selected “Budget” in the field “Basis,” you can in this field select the budget type from which to retrieve the figures. Budget types are created in the Popup Fields workspace in the Set-Up module and assigned to budget models in the Budget Models workspace. For example, you have created a budget type called “Anchor.. In one fiscal year, the name of a budget model of the type “Anchor” could be “Anchor 1998,” and in another year it could be called “Anchor 1999.” To avoid adjusting the G/L report column specifications every fiscal year, it is advisable to select a budget by budget type, instead of selecting a specific budget model.
Budget Version No. If you have selected “Budget” in the field “Basis,” you can in this field select which version of budget specified in the fields “Budget Model” or “Budget Type” you wish to use.
Budget Version Type If you have selected “Budget” in the field “Basis,” you can in this field select the budget version type from which to retrieve the figures. Budget version types are created in the Popup Fields workspace in the Set-Up module and assigned to budget models in the Budget Models workspace. Instead of selecting a specific budget version in the field “Budget Version No.,” you can in this field specify a budget version type. For example, you have created the budget version type “Revision 1.” In one fiscal year a budget model of the version type “Revision 1” has budget version number 2; in another year the version number might be 3. To avoid adjusting the G/L report column specifications every fiscal year, it is advisable to select a budget by budget version type instead of selecting a specific budget version.
Currency In this field, you can specify the currency in which to display amounts in the current report field. The reporting currency used in any given report field can, however, also derive from the card or table part of the report definitions in which the column appears. For a description of the priority used for determining the reporting currency to apply to each report field in a given report, you should therefore see the field “Currency” in the table part of the G/L Report Set-Up workspace.
Exchange Rate Table In this field, you can specify the exchange rate table to be used when converting currency amounts in the current report field. The exchange rate date used in a given report field can, however, also derive from the card or table part of the report definitions in which the column is used. For a description of the priority used for determining the exchange rate table to apply to each report field in a given report, you should therefore see the field “Exchange Rate Table” in the table part of the G/L Report Set-Up workspace.
Exchange Rate Date In this field, you can specify the exchange rate date to be used when converting currency amounts in the current report field. The exchange rate date used in a given report field can, however, also derive from the card or table part of the report definitions in which the column appears. For a description of the priority used for determining the exchange rate date to apply to each report field in a given report, you should therefore see the field “Exchange Rate Date” in the table part of the G/L Report Set-Up workspace.
Price Year If you have selected “Budget” in the field “Basis,” you can in this field select the price year to use when displaying figures from the budget selected in the budget specification fields above.

If you select a price year, and the budget model selected was not created using that price year, Maconomy will convert the budget figures to the prices of the price year selected according to rules specified in the Price Areas and Price Registers workspaces in the Budget module. For a further description, please see the description of those workspaces in the documentation about the Budget module.

If you do not specify a price year, the figures in the selected budget model will be used without conversion.

Price Register In this field you select which price register to use if the budget figures need to be converted to a price year specified in the field “Price Year.” See the description of the field “Price Year” above.
Prior-Period For actual figures, you can choose only to show entries from a given prior period.

Prior-period journals are used when posting in closed fiscal years. Periods are created in the pop-up field “Prior Periods” in the Popup Fields workspace in the Set-Up module.

Column Width In this field, you can specify the desired width of the current column. The field only applies when the column specification is used on a report which is printed to an RTF file, in which case the width of the table cell corresponding to the current column will be applied the specified width.