Quote Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Quote Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Description In this field, you can enter a text for the quote or order confirmation line. Maconomy suggests the text based on the information in the Quote island of the window Invoice Layout Rules, if the quote or order confirmation is created in the Job Budgets window using the action “Transfer to Quote.” If you have marked the Use External Description field in the window Invoice Layout Rules, then the External Description on the job budget line will be used when transferring budget lines to quotes.

If you have specified in the window Invoice Layout Rules that printouts should show more than just the totals, and that time or amount activities should be printed by entry, the text in the “Description” field will be retrieved from the budget line. If time and amount activities are shown by activity, Maconomy suggests the name of the activity as text here. If time and amount activities are shown by summary activity, the name of the summary activity is suggested here.

Quantity In this field, you enter the quantity of job services you are offering on the line. The number is used to calculate the line’s total billing price in the “Billing Price Total” field, which is found by multiplying the “Billing Price” by the number here.

If the suggestion in this window is created with the action “Transfer to Quote” in the Job Budgets window, Maconomy will suggest a quantity using the information in the Quote island in the Invoice Layout Rules window. A quantity is only suggested if printouts are to show amounts on lines and not just a total.

If you have specified in the window Invoice Layout Rules that activities are to be printed by entry, Maconomy suggests the number from the “Quantity” field on the budget line. If time and amount activities are to be shown by summary activity, the quantity will be the sum of the quantities on the budget lines. Budget lines without billing price do not appear on a quote line.

Billing Price In this field, you enter the service’s billing price per piece in the job’s currency. The line’s total billing price in the “Billing Price Total” field is found by multiplying the amount here with the number in the “Quantity” field.

If the suggestion in this window is created with the action “Transfer to Quote” in the Job Budgets window, Maconomy will suggest an amount based on the information in the window Invoice Layout Rules. An amount is only suggested if printouts are to show amounts on lines and not just a total.

If you have specified in the window Invoice Layout Rules that activities are to be printed by entry, Maconomy suggests the amount from the “Billing Price” field on the budget line. If time and amount activities are to be shown by summary activity, the amount will show an average of the billing prices per piece on the budget lines. Budget lines without billing price are not included in the average price per piece.

Note that the average price can be rounded off, which means the quantity multiplied by the price per piece is not equal to the line’s total billing price in the “Billing Price Total” field.

Billing Price Total This is the total billing price of the quote or order confirmation line, shown in the job’s currency. The amount cannot be changed here.

Maconomy calculates the total billing price by multiplying the “Quantity” by the “Billing Price” amount.

If the suggestion in this window is created with the action “Transfer to Quote” in the Job Budgets window, Maconomy will suggest an amount based on the information in the Quote island in the Invoice Layout Rules window. An amount is only suggested if printouts are to show amounts on lines and not just a total.

If you have specified in the window Invoice Layout Rules that activities are to be printed by entry, Maconomy suggests the amount from the “Billing Price Total” field on the budget line. If time and amount activities are to be shown by summary activity, the amount will be the sum of the amounts in the “Billing Price Total” fields on the budget lines. Budget lines without billing price are not included in the average price per piece.

Note that if the amount here is retrieved from a job budget, it may be different from the figure found by multiplying the “Quantity” by the average price per piece, which may be rounded off.

Tax Code In this field, you select the tax code for the quote or order confirmation line. Maconomy calculates tax from the lines’ individual billing price totals, less invoice discount. Maconomy shows the sum of the lines’ tax amounts in the tax field in the card part of the window.

If you have specified in the System Information window that you are not applying differentiated tax, Maconomy will use the standard tax rate to calculate tax on lines that do not show a blank tax code. If you are working with different rates of tax, Maconomy uses the tax rates selected for individual lines.

Note that if you have selected to print activities by summary activity in the Invoice Layout Rules window, Maconomy will suggest the summary activity’s tax rate, which is entered in the window Activities. You should, therefore, apply the same tax rate to activities that belong to the same summary activity.

You can add up to three different tax codes if necessary. To enable multiple tax codes, the system parameters “Show Three Tax Levels” and/or “Show Two Tax Levels” must be marked in the System Parameters window. When multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2,” and, if enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Subtotal If you mark this field, the line will act as a subtotal line on quotes and order confirmations. The subtotal sums up the quote or order lines above the subtotal line. Only the fields “Description” and “Subtotal” can be completed on a subtotal line.
Total Price Only If you mark this field, the current line in the quote will only show the total price that is, the unit price and the quantity are omitted. In the window Invoice Layout Rules it can be specified that quotes should default to showing total prices only. If this is the case, this field will be marked for all lines in the quote, but the mark can be removed.
Unit In this field, you can specify the unit associated with the quantity on the line. Select a value from the drop-down list.

If you are specifying a time unit, you can only select the value specified in the Time Unit field of the job.

This field can be filled out of left blank. No automatic derivation takes place.

Text 1-2

Enter information related to the quote in these fields.

If you have enabled transferring of dimensions from budget lines, these fields automatically display the values of the specified dimensions.

These fields are editable even after the quote is submitted or approved.