Approve Job Registrations Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approve Job Registrations tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Lines If you mark this field, the sub-tab will display information about the jobs meeting the selection criteria specified in this island.
Show Totals Only if this field is marked will the islands Budget, Time, and Expense show totals for the lines displayed in the sub-tab.
Week In this field, you can enter the number of a week. The sub-tab will only display time and expenses registered in the specified week. Note that you should also enter a year in the field “Year” to have the correct week displayed in the sub-tab. If you do not enter a week, this field will have no influence on the number of time and expenses shown in the sub-tab when the field “Show lines” is marked.
Month In this field, you can enter the number of a month. The sub-tab will only display time and expenses registered in the specified month. Note that you should also enter a year in the field “Year” to have the correct month displayed in the sub-tab. If you do not enter a month, this field will have no influence on the number of time and expenses shown in the sub-tab when the field “Show lines” is marked.
Year In this field, you can enter a year. The information is used in connection with a specification of weeks and months in the above fields. The sub-tab will only display time and expenses registered in months and weeks within the specified year.
Date Interval In these fields, you can enter a range of dates. Only jobs for which submitted time sheets or expense sheets exist with registrations within the specified date range will be displayed in the sub-tab. This means that for time sheet lines, all registrations made in weeks with a starting period within the specified date range will be included in the sub-tab, and for expense sheet lines, the entry date of the expense sheet line must be within the specified date range for the expense sheet line amount to be included in the sub-tab. If you change the dates in these fields, the values in the fields “Weeks,” “Month,” and “Year” will be reset.
Employee No. In these fields, you can enter a range of employee numbers. The sub-tab will only display time and expenses registered by employees within the specified range.
Project Manager No. If you specify a project manager number in this field, only those jobs on which the employee specified in this field is assigned as project manager will be displayed in the sub-tab. The default value in this field is the current user’s employee number.
Job No. In these fields, you can enter a range of job numbers. Only jobs with numbers within the specified range will be displayed in the sub-tab. If the current user is not authorized to see all time and expense registrations made in the system, only jobs having the current user as project manager will be displayed in the sub-tab.
Company No. In these fields, you can enter a range of responsible companies. The sub-tab will only display time and expenses registered by employees belonging to companies within the specified range.
Include Approved Jobs If you mark this field, jobs on which all time or expense registrations have already been approved will be displayed in the sub-tab, provided that they fulfill the selection criteria specified in this island.
New Approval Status, Time In this field, you can select one of the three values “Released,” “Approved,” or “Rejected.” If you select one of these values in this field, only jobs with time sheets having the specified approval status will be displayed in the sub-tab. If you leave this field blank, all jobs meeting the selection criteria are displayed in the sub-tab. See the description of the field “New Approval Status, Time” in the sub-tab for further information about the available options.
New Approval Status, Expenses In this field, you can select one of the three values “Released,” “Approved,” or “Rejected.” If you select one of these values in this field, only jobs with expense sheets having the specified approval status will be displayed in the sub-tab. If you leave this field blank, all jobs meeting the selection criteria are displayed in the sub-tab. See the description of the field “New Approval Status, Time” in the sub-tab for further information about the available options.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In these fields, you can enter a range of locations. Only jobs with a location within the specified range will be displayed in the sub-tab.
Entity The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.

Budget Island

Field Description
Cost, Enterprise This field shows the total of all budgeted cost prices of the jobs displayed in the sub-tab. If the field “Show Totals” in the island Selection Criteria has not been marked, this field will not show any value.
Billing Price, Enterprise This field shows the total of all budgeted billing prices of the jobs displayed in the sub-tab. If the field “Show Totals” in the island Selection Criteria has not been marked, this field will not show any value.

Time Island

Field Description
Time Unit In this field, you can specify the time unit (Hours or Days) for the display of time in this workspace.
Field Description
Non-Approved This field shows the total number of hours or days (depending on the unit specified in the Time Unit field) registered and submitted on unapproved time sheet lines on the jobs displayed in the sub-tab. If the Show Totals check box in the Selection Criteria island is not selected, this field does not show any value.
Marked For Approval This field shows the total number of hours or days (depending on the unit specified in the Time Unit field) registered on time sheet lines that have been submitted, but which are unapproved and marked for approval on the jobs displayed in the sub-tab.
Marked For Rejection This field shows the total number of hours or days (depending on the unit specified in the Time Unit field) registered and submitted on those time sheet lines that are marked for rejection on the jobs in the sub-tab.
Marked For Release This field shows the total number of hours or days (depending on the unit specified in the Time Unit field) registered and submitted on those time sheet lines that are marked for release on the jobs in the sub-tab.
Approved This field shows the total number of hours or days (depending on the unit specified in the Time Unit field) that have been approved on the jobs in the sub-tab.
Rejected This field shows the total number of hours or days (depending on the unit specified in the Time Unit field) registered and submitted on those time sheet lines that have been rejected on the jobs in the sub-tab.
Released This field shows the total number of hours or days (depending on the unit specified in the Time Unit field) registered and submitted on those time sheet lines that have been released on the jobs in the sub-tab.
Total This field shows the total number of hours or days (depending on the unit specified in the Time Unit field) registered and submitted on time sheet lines on the jobs displayed in the sub-tab.

Expenses Island

Field Description
Non-Approved This field shows the total amount registered and submitted on unapproved expense sheet lines on the jobs displayed in the sub-tab. If the field “Show Totals” in the island Selection Criteria has not been marked, this field will not show any value.
Marked for Approval This field shows the total amount registered on expense sheet lines that have been submitted, but which are unapproved and marked for approval on the jobs displayed in the sub-tab. If the field “Show Totals” in the island Selection Criteria has not been marked, this field will not show any value.
Marked for Rejection This field shows the total amount registered and submitted on those expense sheet lines that are marked for rejection on the jobs in the sub-tab. If the field “Show Totals” in the island Selection Criteria has not been marked, this field will not show any value.
Marked for Release This field shows the total amount registered and submitted on those expense sheet lines that are marked for release on the jobs in the sub-tab. If the field “Show Totals” in the island Selection Criteria has not been marked, this field will not show any value.
Approved This field shows the total amount registered and submitted on those expense sheet lines that have been approved on the jobs in the sub-tab. If the field “Show Totals” in the island Selection Criteria has not been marked, this field will not show any value.
Rejected This field shows the total amount registered and submitted on those expense sheet lines that have been rejected on the jobs in the sub-tab. If the field “Show Totals” in the island Selection Criteria has not been marked, this field will not show any value.
Released This field shows the total amount registered and submitted on those expense sheet lines that have been released on the jobs in the sub-tab. If the field “Show Totals” in the island Selection Criteria has not been marked, this field will not show any value.
Total This field shows the total amount registered and submitted on expense sheet lines on the jobs displayed in the sub-tab. If the field “Show Totals” in the island Selection Criteria has not been marked, this field will not show any value.