Approve Job Registrations Workspace

Use this workspace to review time sheet and expense sheet lines that are not yet fully approved, sorted by the jobs to which they belong.

Then you can process lines in batches, releasing, approving, or rejecting multiple lines at once. A project manager can use this workspace to review and approve entries for his or her jobs.

Use this workspace to review all jobs that have unapproved time sheet and/or expense sheet entries that require the approval of a given project manager within a given time interval. This workspace only displays information about those jobs for which Required or Optional has been specified for project manager approval in the Approval island in the Jobs workspace.

Use the Approve Job Registrations tab to enter selection criteria that determine which jobs display and for what date range. the information that is shown. In the Jobs sub-tab, information is summarized and displayed in one line for each job.

If you selected the Show Totals field, the Approve Job Registrations tab displays summarized information about the total number of hours (from time sheets) and amounts (from expense sheets) entered for approved and unapproved entries for the selected jobs.

You can assign a status to each line in the Jobs sub-tab. Depending on the selected status, the lines are approved, rejected, or released when you use the Approve Time or Approve Expenses action in the Action menu. These actions can cause a number of lines to be transferred for posting.

If the approval principle for the job specifies that both the project manager and the supervisor must approve time sheets and expense sheets, both individuals must approve time and expense lines before those lines are transferred or considered fully approved.

All of the time and expenselines in the Jobs sub-tab can be batch selected or deselected for release, approval, or rejection, using the actions in this workspace. However, if you need to review the lines in more detail, you can see and approve the lines individually in the Approve Time Sheet Lines and Approve Expense Sheet Lines workspaces. If you have already selected time sheet lines or expense sheet lines for approval or approved them for posting in the Time Sheet Lines and Approve Expense Sheet Lines, this action is reflected on the lines in this workspace.

If you select the Include Approved Jobs field, the Jobs sub-tab also displays those jobs for which all time and expense entries have already been approved. However, the sub-tab never shows information about jobs for which no entries have been made.