Print Order Listing Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Order Listing tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Customer No. Here you can enter a range of customer numbers. Maconomy only prints order lines for ship-to customers within this range.
Company No. In this field, you can enter a range of company numbers. An item line is only included on the list if it is assigned to a quote, a sales order or a credit order for which a company within the specified range is responsible.
Statistics 1-4 In these fields, you can enter statistics codes referring to the corresponding values in the island Print Control on the customer information card. Only item lines with statistics codes within the specified range will be included in the order listing.
Deliv. Date Here you specify a range of dates. Maconomy only prints order lines with items to be delivered within this interval.
Order Date In this field, you can specify a range of order dates. Only item lines where the order date is within the specified range are included in the order listing.
Item No. Here you can enter a range of item numbers. Maconomy only prints order lines with items within this range.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, note that the list only shows the BOM header regardless of which level has inventory and price control.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Incl. Sales Orders If you mark this field, the order listing will include items from sales orders. Maconomy automatically marks the field, but you can remove it.
Incl. Credit Orders If you mark this field, the order listing will include items from credit orders. Maconomy does not mark the field automatically.
Incl. Quotes If you mark this field, the order listing will include items from quotes. Maconomy does not mark the field automatically.
Sort by Here you select how to sort the order listing. The pop-up field has three options: “Customer” (customer number), “Item” (item number) and “Sales Rep.”