Print Order Listing Workspace

Use this workspace to print a list of your current volume of quotes, sales orders, and credit orders.

You can limit the list in the target group fields.

In contrast to the order book, which is a list of non-invoiced sales order lines, the orders list includes all of the current item lines in quotes, sales orders, and credit orders in Maconomy. Orders that you transferred to the backorder register are not included.

For every item line in the target group, Maconomy displays the order number, customer number, item number, delivery date, units, and more. By default, amounts are displayed in enterprise currency. Maconomy uses the letters Q, S, and C to indicate whether an item line is from a quote, sales order, or credit order.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, note that the list only displays the BOM header, regardless of which level has inventory and price control.