Approve Count Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to approve and delete inventory count lists.

The Approve Count tab displays how many lists are ready to be approved and deleted. The Inventory Count listings sub-tab displays each of these lists. In the sub-tab, you can select the lists that you want to approve and delete. You can only approve those lists whose Approved field is selected via the Approve action.

When you want to do an inventory count, you first use the Inventory Count Listing workspace to create a list of the items that you want to count. You can write down actual volumes on the printed list. You then record the actual volumes in one or more of the Inventory Count, Serial No. Count, or Inventory Count by Stock Location workspaces. You can specify a posting date for the counting. Thus, for example, you can enter an inventory that you did in December after the New Year, but use the original date of the inventory as the posting date.

In this workspace, you approve the count with the data entered on the current inventory count listing. This workspace does not display inventory count sublistings, because the figures that you enter on a sublisting are consolidated on the assigned main listing.

If you approve an inventory count listing and select the Complete Serial No. Count field, Maconomy creates a serial number movement line for each serial number for control of the quantity of serial numbers. The quantity on these lines corresponds to the deviation between the quantities counted and the quantities entered in the Serial Number Information workspace. Maconomy performs a similar control for all items that have the property Complete Serial No. Reg., even if you do not select the Complete Serial No. Count field on the current listing. Maconomy does not perform this control in other cases, even if you enter serial number counts. However, Maconomy does control the entry of the serial number stock on various locations on which you report serial number counts.

Use the Approve action in this workspace to approve an inventory count list. When you approve an inventory count list, Maconomy creates inventory change transactions for all of the items on the list, updating the volume of each item number with the counted volume. If this causes the volume of a given item to be increased, it can result in backorder allocation if you select the Aut. Back-Order Allocation field in the System Information workspace of the Set-Up module. If you do not enter any deviation for an item, the number of the inventory change for the current item is zero. For items that have serial number control, Maconomy also creates a number of serial number transaction lines so that the quantity of all serial numbers is updated with the counted quantity. If you do not enter any deviation for a serial number, the quantity on the serial number transaction line for the current serial number is also zero.

Before you approve an inventory count listing, make sure that the Balance Loc., Inv. Count field has a value on the information card of the warehouse for which you are performing the count. Maconomy automatically uses the balance location specified to enter, sum, and offset variances between the entries in the system and the counted items. In this way, items that are missing in one location, but that have been found in another location, are offset and are thus not entered as shipment from or receipt at the warehouse. When all stock variances have been offset, the deficiency or the surplus of the items entered on the balance location results in item movements by means of a shipment to or a receipt at the warehouse in question. Maconomy automatically creates and approves picking lists and an inventory change transaction, and the balance location is no longer effective.

Maconomy also creates an item journal to update the relevant inventory accounts in the G/L module. You must then post the item journal in the Posting or Print Posting Journal workspaces in the G/L module.

If you do not want to approve an inventory count listing, for example because of too-large deviations, you can reprint the inventory count listing. You do this in the Inventory Count Listing workspace, where you can limit the printout to include only inventory count lines that have deviations that exceed a given limit in terms of amount or quantity.

If you enter a posting date that is before the printing date of the count list—that is, if you take stock before you print out the counting list—you must also take into consideration any inventory changes that happen between the stock-taking and the printout. Inventory changes that happen between the printout of the count list and the time when you enter the actual figures in the Inventory Count workspace have no influence on the inventory count.