Employee Positions Tab

This section shows information about the currently selected employee.

Employee Information Island

Field Description
Employee No. This field displays the number of the current employee.
Name In this field, you can specify the name of the current employee.
Initials In this field, you can specify the initials of the current employee
Blocked If you mark this field, the employee is blocked. For further information, see the description of the field “Blocked” in the window Employees.

Sometime sub-bullets appear

When sub-bullets appear within a Reference Topic, I would like to retain their sub-bullet formatting.

Department In this field, you can specify the department to which the employee belongs. For further information, see the description of the field “Department” in the window Employees.
Position If you do not wish to register position history in the table part, you can specify in this field the position currently held by the employee instead. The field is for reference only.
Week Calendar No. In this field, you can specify the number of a week calendar created in the window Week Calendars in the Set-Up module. This way, you can indicate the week calendar applying to the employee during his or her employment in the position on the line. Maconomy continuously updates the employee’s information card in the window Employees with the week calendar specified on the position line with the latest starting date, unless you leave the field blank, in which case the employee information is not updated.

Changing the week calendar in the window Employees does, however, not cause the position line with the latest starting date to be updated accordingly. Therefore, if you want the week calendar used by Maconomy, for example, for looking up the number of working hours in a given week to be different from the one specified on the latest position line, you must specify the relevant week calendar in the window Employees.

Approval Principle — Time
Supervisor Project Manager Approval Required for Transfer
None/Optional None/Optional None — The user only has to submit or temporarily submit the time sheet.
Mandatory None/Optional The supervisor has to release or approve the time sheet in the window Time Sheets, thus transferring all of the lines on the time sheet. The time sheet is only released if the field “Transf. Non-Appr. Time Sheets” has been marked in the window System Information.
Date Employed In this field, you can specify the date on which the employee was hired. The field is for information only.
Termination Date In this field, you can specify the date on which the employee’s employment with the company was or is to be terminated. The date in this field may be updated when a value is entered in the field “Termination Date” on a table line containing a termination position. For further information on this, see the description of the field “Termination Date” in the table part. For further information on the effects of the termination date, see the description of the field “Termination Date” in the window Employees.
Notice Date If the employee has been terminated or has resigned, you can enter the date on which the employee was given or gave notice in this field.

SD_HR_Company Island

Field Description
Company In these fields, you can specify the name and number of the company in which the employee is employed.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive Document archives are created in the window Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that window for further information on the use of document archives.
Field Description
Document Count This field displays the number of documents in the Document Archive.