Account References Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Account References sub-tab.

Field Description
Entry Type This is the entry type of the posting reference. It cannot be changed. The following is a list of all of the posting types in Maconomy, showing which account should be contained in the dimension combination assigned to the posting type.
  • Accrual Difference — If you make accruals in the Job Cost module, the amount is sometimes not divisible by the number of accrual periods, and the remainder will therefore be posted to this account, provided that job entries are not posted by activity (that is, the field “Post by Activity” is not marked in the System Information workspace). For instance, if you want to accrue $1 over a three-month period, an amount of 33 cents is accrued for each period. The last 1 cent, which cannot be divided, is posted to this account.
  • Amount Rounding — Account for rounding of amounts on invoices. The account is used in connection with rounding of invoice totals, if external rounding has been defined in the Currency Rounding workspace in the Set-Up module. The difference between the actual invoice amount and amount rounded off on the invoice is posted on this account.
  • Cost Of Sales — Account for cost of sales.
  • Customer Balancing Exchange Rate Gain —Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which the balance of a gain due to exchange rate variances is posted.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Customer Balancing Exchange Rate Loss — Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which the balance of a loss due to exchange rate variances is posted.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Customer Cash Discount — Account for cash discounts from the Customer Open Entry Reconciliation workspace in the A/R module.
  • Customer Exchange Rate Gain — Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which gains due to exchange rate variances are posted.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Customer Exchange Rate Loss — Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which losses due to exchange rate variances are posted.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Customer Interest Charge — Account for interest from the Change Interest Charge Selection and Approve Interest Selection workspaces in the A/R module.
  • Customer Payment Difference — Account for amount variances from the Customer Open Entry Reconciliation workspace in the A/R module. Amount variances between a customer payment and the entry/entries against which the payment is reconciled can be posted on this account depending on the values specified in the system parameter “Margin For Customer Payment Variances.” See the description of this system parameter for further information on customer payment variances.
  • Customer Reminder — Account for reminder charges from the Reminder Selection and Approve Reminders workspaces in the A/R module.
  • Debtor Provisions — Account for debtor provisions created in the Debtor Provisions By Invoice workspace in the A/R module. When a provision is created, the provision is credited to a balance account specified on the current customer’s control account in the Popup Fields workspace, and debited to this P&L offset account. Reversing entries are made on the two accounts when the customer invoice is fully reconciled.
  • Intercompany Settlement Exchange Rate Variance — Account for exchange rate variances in intercompany settlements. When you run an intercompany invoicing, Maconomy checks if there are exchange rate variances between the amounts in base currency on the original registrations in the individual companies invoiced and the amount in base currency on the vendor invoice created in the intercompany invoicing. If a variance occurs, the exchange rate variance is posted to this account. For further information on the calculation and posting of exchange rate variances occurring in intercompany invoicing, please see the description of the action “Print Invoice” in the Intercompany Invoicing workspace.
  • Interest Expenses Intercompany — When running interest calculations for intercompany entries, the interest expenses of each company included in the calculation are posted to this account.
  • Interest Income Intercompany — When running interest calculations for intercompany entries, the interest earnings of each company included in the calculation are posted to this account.
  • Invoice Discount — Account for invoice discounts.
  • Invoiced On Account — Account for cost of sales invoiced on account. When you make the final invoice from an invoice on account, Maconomy transfers the entries to the cost of sales account.
  • Job Balancing Exchange Rate Gain — Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which the balance of a gain due to exchange rate variances is posted. Realized gains are posted to this account.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Job Balancing Exchange Rate Loss — Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which the balance of a loss due to exchange rate variances is posted. Realized losses are posted to this account.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Job Exchange Rate Gain - Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which gains due to exchange rate variances is posted.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Job Exchange Rate Loss - Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which loss due to exchange rate variances is posted.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Non-Inventoried Cost of Sales — Account for cost of sales that has not been booked to warehouse.

    Maconomy uses the following method to account for cost of sales:

    When you create packing slips, the value of the stock is credited to the account for inventory value and debited to the account for non-invoiced cost of sales. These entries are gathered in an inventory journal. Their posting references are maintained in the Warehouse Information Card workspace in the inventory module.

    When you later print the invoice, the cost of sales of the stock is credited to the account for non-invoiced cost of sales. If part of the sale is for non-inventoried items, the cost of sales for these items is debited to the cost of sales account. These non-inventoried costs of sales are not credited to the account for non-invoiced cost of sales. The offsetting entry is instead posted to the account for non-inventoried cost of sales. These entries are collected in an invoice journal.

    The invoiced sales are credited to the item sales account, and any entries for tax payable, invoice discount, charges, and so on, are created. The customer control account is debited by the corresponding amount. These entries are also collected in an invoice journal.

    This accounting method ensures that item sales and cost of sales always balance.

    When you credit a customer, Maconomy completes the same sequence of accounting, with the distinction that both the invoice and the item journal are created when you print the credit memos.

  • Order Charge 1-4 — Account for type 1-4. In Maconomy you can add four different types of charge to an invoice (for example, handling charge, delivery, and postage). Charge texts and amounts are managed in the Charges workspace in the Sales Orders module.
  • Outlay Settlement — Account for outlays from expense sheets specified in the Expense Sheets workspace in the Job Cost module. The posting reference will usually be a balance sheet account showing the company’s balance with its employees in connection with outlays.
  • Royalty Consumption — Account for royalty expenses. The account is used when you post royalty.
  • Royalty Prepayment — Account for prepaid royalty expenses and payable royalty expenses. A royalty journal will be created when you approve the billing selection of each individual royalty agreement. Prepaid royalty is debited to the account whereas payable royalty is credited to the account.
  • Sales Export — Account for export sales. For item sales that are normally taxed, but the customer lives abroad and is therefore not taxed.
  • Sales Nontaxable — Account for non-taxable item sales. For sales that are not taxable (that is, the tax code in the item information card is blank).
  • Sales Taxable — Account for item sales with normal tax.
  • Subscription Accrual Sale — Account for accrued sale. See the description of the posting reference “Subscription Prepayment.”
  • Subscription Prepayment — Account for subscription revenues paid in advance. The posting reference is used as a subtotal account when a subscription is invoiced prior to delivery. When you invoice, the part of the amount, which represents payment of future deliveries, will be posted to this account. At the same time, entries will be made ahead in time so that the amount is reallocated to the account for accrual sales. The amount is allocated equally to the delivery months, and only the part of the invoiced amount pertaining to future deliveries will be accrued. The accrual takes place automatically and is not optional.

    For example: on 31 March, an invoice for USD 120 is posted as a result of a subscription running from 1 January until 31 December. This causes the following movements on the account for payment in advance:

    On 31 March, USD 30 will be credited to the account for accrued sales, and USD 90 will be credited to the account for prepayment. On the first of each month, from 1April until 1 December, the account for prepayment will thus be debited with USD 10, and USD 10 will be credited to the account for accrued sales, reaching a total of USD 90.

    If a credit order is created from an accrued invoice in the sales orders module, the credit order will also be accrued.

  • Unrealized A/P Enterprise Exchange Rate Variance — Account used for automatic registration of unrealized enterprise exchange rate variances pertaining to vendors.
  • Unrealized A/P Exchange Rate Variance — Account used for automatic registration of unrealized exchange rate variances pertaining to vendors. Entries are made to this account when running currency reports where the field “Create G/L Entries” is marked. For further information on the situations where entries are made to this account, see the description of the field “Create G/L Entries” in the Print Currency Report workspace.
  • Unrealized A/R Enterprise Exchange Rate Variance — Account used for automatic registration of unrealized enterprise exchange rate variances pertaining to customers.
  • Unrealized A/R Exchange Rate Variance — Account used for automatic registration of unrealized exchange rate variances pertaining to customers. Entries are made to this account when running currency reports where the field “Create G/L Entries” is marked. For further information on the situations where entries are made to this account, see the description of the field “Create G/L Entries” in the Print Currency Report workspace.
  • Unrealized G/L Enterprise Exchange Rate Variance — Account used for automatic registration of unrealized exchange rate variances pertaining to G/L accounts.
  • Unrealized G/L Exchange Rate Variance — Account used for automatic registration of unrealized exchange rate variances pertaining to G/L accounts. Entries are made to this account when running currency reports where the field “Create G/L Entries” is marked. For further information on the situations where entries are made to this account, see the description of the field “Create G/L Entries” in the Print Currency Report workspace.
  • Unrealized Job Balancing Exchange Rate Gain — An exchange rate difference created as a result of a fixed job exchange rate variance should be posted as a un-realized exchange rate variance gain or loss when the invoice allocation is posted. The un-realized exchange rate variance should be moved to realized exchange rate variance when the vendor entry is posted. This account is for the unrealized gain.
  • Unrealized Job Balancing Exchange Rate Loss — An exchange rate difference created as a result of a fixed job exchange rate variance should be posted as a un-realized exchange rate variance gain or loss when the invoice allocation is posted. The un-realized exchange rate variance should be moved to realized exchange rate variance when the vendor entry is posted. This account is for the unrealized loss.
  • Unrealized Job Exchange Rate Gain — Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which the balance of a gain due to exchange rate variances is posted.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Unrealized Job Exchange Rate Loss — Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which the balance of a gain due to exchange rate variances is posted.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Vendor Balancing Exchange Rate Gain — Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which balancing due to exchange rate variances is posted.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Vendor Balancing Exchange Rate Loss — Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which balancing loss due to exchange rate variances is posted.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Vendor Cash Discount — Account for cash discounts from the Payment Selection and Change Payment Selection by Vendor workspaces in the Banking module.
  • Vendor Exchange Rate Gain — Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which gains due to exchange rate variances are posted.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

  • Vendor Exchange Rate Loss —Select or enter the dimension combination number of the account to which losses due to exchange rate variances are posted.

    For more information about working with multiple currencies, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Concepts Guide.

Dimension Combination No. This field shows the number of the dimension combination when creating a dimension combination. If the dimension combination is created on the basis of a control account, it has automatically been assigned the number of the account in question.
Description This field is used for sorting purposes. It is not editable.