Phases Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Phases sub-tab.

Field Description
Phase In this field, you can enter the name of a new job phase or a milestone. The name cannot be changed, once the phase has been created.

You can specify the name of a job phase or a milestone in the window Invoicing Plans if you want the completion of a job phase or a milestone to trigger an invoicing.

Type In this field, you can select whether the new line in the table part is to concern a job phase or a milestone. The type cannot be changed, once it has been selected.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current job phase or milestone. The description is included on job phase printouts.
Responsible Employee No. In this field, enter the number of the employee responsible for the completion of the current job phase or approval of the current milestone. Maconomy suggests the employee specified as the job’s project manager. A job phase cannot be the current phase until a responsible employee has been specified in this field, and the field must also be filled in for milestones before a subsequent phase can be made current.
Employee Name This field shows the name of the employee specified in the field “Responsible Employee No.” above.
Current Phase This field is automatically marked by Maconomy if the job phase on the line in question is the current phase. The name of the current phase is also shown in the island Current Phase in the card part. There is no current phase until the first phase is initiated using the action “Initiate First Phase.” Once this action has been selected, the table part will always contain one line with a mark in this field.

This field cannot be marked for lines concerning milestones.

Planned Starting Date In this field, you can enter the date upon which the job phase on the current line should be initiated according to plan or the date upon which the milestone on the current line should be approved. If the current phase or milestone is the first line in the table part, Maconomy suggests today’s date.

When you change the dates in the table part, the job phases adjust themselves according to the following principles: Closed job phases cannot be changed. When you change a job phase which has not been ended, the duration on future phases are maintained while the planned starting and ending dates are changed. For phases before the changed phase, the duration of the phases are adjusted, so that the starting dates remain the same if possible, while the ending dates (and thereby also the durations) are changed.

Generally, there cannot be gaps or overlaps between the phases. However, you can change the starting date of the current phase, causing a gap between the ending date of the previous phase and the starting date of the current phase, or an overlap of these dates. This can, for example, be due to the fact that a time schedule could not be kept, and you therefore wish to adjust the plan. If the previous phase is reopened, Maconomy will adjust its planned ending date to the day before the date in this field.

For milestones it applies that they have no duration. This means that the date in the fields “Planned Staring Date” and “Planned Ending Date” must be the same date, and the value in the field “Planned Duration” must be zero.

Planned Duration In this field, you can enter the planned duration of the job phase. The duration is entered as a number of days. The principles for specifying dates are described in the field “Planned Starting Date.” Instead of entering a planned duration in this field, you can enter a planned ending date in the field “Planned Ending Date.” If you do so, Maconomy will calculate a duration in this field, based on the planned starting and ending dates.

For milestones, the date in this field must be zero.

Planned Ending Date In this field, you can enter the planned ending date of the job phase. The principles for specifying dates are described in the field “Planned Starting Date.” Instead of entering a planned ending date in this field, you can enter a planned duration in the field “Planned Duration.” If you do so, Maconomy will calculate an ending date in this field, based on the planned starting and the duration.
First Starting Date This field shows the date on which the job phase on the current line became the current phase for the first time. If the job phase is ended and then reopened, this field shows the date on which the phase originally became the current phase.
Actual Starting Date This field shows the date on which the phase on the line in question was initiated. The date of the first phase corresponds to the date on which the action “Initiate First Phase” was selected. For other phases, the date corresponds to the date on which the previous phase was ended. If the job phase is ended and reopened, this field shows the date of the latest initiation of the phase.

If the line concerns a milestone, this field shows the date on which it became possible to approve the milestone (that is, the date on which the previous job phase was ended).

Actual Duration This field shows the actual duration of the job phase of the current line, that is, the difference between the actual starting and ending dates.

If the phase has been reopened and ended several times, Maconomy calculates the total number of days in which the phase was current. However, Maconomy only calculates whole days, meaning that if the phase has been current for a number of hours on a given day, these hours are not included in the calculation. Therefore, the dates in the fields “Actual Starting Date,” “Actual Duration” and “Actual Ending Date” do not necessarily correspond to each other.

If the line concerns a milestone, this field shows the time it took to approve the milestone, that is, the difference between the dates in the fields “Actual Starting Date” and “Actual Ending Date.”

Actual Ending Date This field shows the date on which the job phase on the current line was actually ended using the action “End Phase.”

If the line concerns a milestone, this field shows the date on which the milestone was approved using the action “Approve Milestones.”

Reopened This field is automatically marked by Maconomy. The marking of this field depends on whether the current line concerns a phase or a milestone.

If the line concerns a phase, this field is marked if the phase has been ended and then reopened using the actions “End Phase” and “Reopen Previous Phase.” Note that the field is not marked if the reopening is made ahead in time that is if “Phase B” is the current phase and “Phase A” is reopened (and thereby becomes the current phase), “Phase B” will not be marked as reopened when “Phase A” is ended and “Phase B” becomes the current phase again.

If the line concerns a milestone, the field is marked if the action “Cancel Approval of Milestone” is selected.

Approve If you mark this field, you specify that the employee responsible for the next phase or the project manager of the job should approve the phase transition when you use the action “End Phase.” For further information, please see the description of the action “Approve Phase Completion” in this window.
Cancel Approval If the line concerns a milestone, you can mark this field to point out the milestones to be approved using the action “Approve Milestones.” Only milestones placed within the time period of the current phase can be marked.
Ended By This field shows the name of the user who ended the line using the action “End Phase.” A phase can be ended by the project manager of the job in question or by the employee responsible for the job phase. The employee responsible for a given phase is specified in the field “Responsible Employee No.”
Approved This field is marked if the current phase or milestone is approved using the action “Approve Phase Completion,” “End Phase” or “Approve Milestones.” See the description of these actions for further information.
Approved By This field shows the name of the employee who approved the phase or milestone in question.
Reference In this field, you can enter a reference to a customer, a contract, and so on. For example, you can enter the name of the customer’s employee who accepted the approval of a milestone.
Remarks 1-5 In these fields, you can enter various remarks about the phase or the milestone on the current line.
Created by This field shows the name of the user who created the job phase or the milestone on the current line.
Created on This field shows the date on which the current line was created.
Changed by This field shows the name of the user who made the latest change to the current line. In this connection, ending a phase or approving a milestone is not considered a change to a job phase line.
Changed on This field shows the date on which the latest change to the line in question was made.
Version No. This field shows the version number of the job phase or milestone on the line in question. The number is incremented by one each time a change is made to the job phase.