Job Phases Workspace

Use this workspace to split a job into phases and enter milestones.

This enables you to divide the progress of a job into sections, each of which has a starting and an ending date. The dates cannot overlap. To each phase, you assign an employee to be responsible for approving or completing the phase or milestone in question. You can create one job phase plan for each job.

A milestone is a measuring point for whether a subsidiary goal in a job flow has been met. As a point in a flow, not a period, it has no duration. Milestones are continuously approved and some must be customer approved. A milestone in the flow does not have to be approved (accepted) to begin or complete subsequent job phases.

Using an Analyzer report or report template for the report component, you can print relevant information about jobs, deadlines, responsible employees, and dates.

If you have created an invoicing plan for the job, you can assign a job phase or a milestone to a line on it. This way, the completion of one job phase or approval of a milestone can trigger an invoicing of the customer. See the Invoicing Plans workspace for details.

You can also create phases and milestones for a template job. If you do this, the lines that you create in this workspace also apply to the additional jobs that you create based on the template job.