
This section shows the Actions available in the Job Phases workspace.

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Field Description
Delete Phase List When you select this action, all phases on the current phase list are deleted. If the phase list was created as a result of copying jobs in the window Jobs, you may need to delete all the phases on the list. The action cannot be selected, once the first phase has been initiated.
Initiate First Phase When you select this action, the first phase is initiated. This means that the first phase in the list is marked as the current phase, and the field “Actual Starting Date” is set to today’s date for the first phase. The action can only be selected if a responsible employee has been specified for the first phase.
End Phase When you select this action, you mark the completion of the current phase and a phase transition is carried out. Only the employee responsible for the current phase or the project manager of the job can end a phase.

If the field “Approve” is marked on the current phase’s line, the phase transition will not happen before the completion of the phase is approved.

At a phase transition, the field “Actual Ending Date” is set to today’s date on the current phase, and the following phase (if it exists) is marked as the new current phase. Furthermore, the field “Actual Starting Date” for the new current phase is set to today’s date. If an invoicing plan has been assigned to the job, and this plan indicates that the completion of the current phase should trigger an invoicing, you can now transfer the invoicing plan for invoicing in the windows Invoice Selection and Approve Invoice Selection.

Approve Phase Completion This action can be selected if the current phase has a mark in the field “Approve.” The action can only be selected by the employee responsible for the next phase or by the job’s project manager. At approval, a phase transition will take place as described above for the action “End Phase.”

If the employee responsible for the next phase is the same as for the current phase, you do not have to select both this action and the action “End Phase”; when you select one of these actions the other is automatically carried out as well as a phase transition. However, the job’s project manager must carry out both actions to initiate a phase transition, if he or she is not explicitly specified as responsible for the current and the next phase.

Reopen Previous Phase When you select this action, a backwards phase transition is carried out. This means that the phase that was current when the action was selected is no longer open, while the previous phase is made the current phase. At the same time, the field “Reopened” is marked for the previous phase.

If all phases are ended, the last phase is reopened when this action is used. If the current phase is the first phase when this action is used, the phase will no longer be open. This corresponds to the first phase not being initiated. In this way, you can start all over on the job phase list.

If there are approved milestones between the phase being current when selecting this action and the reopened phase, the approval of these will be cancelled when this action is selected.

The action can only be selected by the employee responsible for the current phase, or for the previous phase or by the project manager of the job.

Approve Milestones When you select this action, the milestones placed ahead in time of the current phase are approved if the field “Approve” is marked and if the current employee is project manager or specified as responsible for the phase. After approval, the mark in the field “Approve” is removed.
Cancel Milestone Approval When you select this action, the approval of previously approved milestones is cancelled, if the field “Cancel Approval” is marked, and if the current employee is project manager or specified as responsible for the milestone. After the cancellation, the mark in the field “Cancel Approval” is removed and the field “Reopened” is marked instead.