Job Traffic Status Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to prepare a traffic status report.

The traffic manager uses the traffic status report as a basis for discussing the progress and status of multiple jobs at status meetings. The traffic status report is based on information in the Timing Plans workspace and status information collected from the employees who are responsible for the various jobs.

This workspace is part of Maconomy Traffic Management.

When traffic managers want to work out a new version of the traffic status report, they create a revision of the report. This way, a traffic history is preserved, and the traffic manager can include comparisons with previous reports in the report. You can view previous reports in the Job Traffic Status Revisions workspace.

In the Job Traffic Status tab, you can enter selection criteria to select a number of jobs. When you press Return, the Jobs sub-tab displays timing plan information for the selected jobs.

The Jobs sub-tab enables you to enter a status text, assign or edit primary dates, select primary date tasks as completed, and assign teams and status flags to the jobs.