Jobs Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Jobs sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the job number of the current job.
Job Name This field shows the name of the current job.
<Primary Date 1> The name of this field is determined by the setup of the pop-up field “Primary Dates” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Primary dates supply the framework which makes it possible to compare multiple jobs. The field displays the planned ending date of the timing plan line on which this primary date has been selected. You can edit the date in this field, which will update the corresponding timing plan line and job budget line. The job budget line will be updated regardless of whether the budget is approved.

Completed, <Primary Date 1> As for the field above, the name of this field is determined by the setup of the pop-up field “Primary Dates” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. The field shows whether the field “Completed” has been marked on the timing plan line on which this primary date has been selected. You can mark or unmark this field, which will update the corresponding timing plan line and job budget line. The job budget line will be updated regardless of whether the budget is approved.
<Primary Date 2-10> The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “<Primary Date 1>.”
Completed, <Primary Date 2-10> The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “<Completed, Primary Date 1>.”
Flag In this pop-up field, you can choose among the flag types set up in the pop-up field “Traffic Status Flag” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. Flags provide a uniform way of assigning a status to the job. A flag could, for example, be “Requires Attention” or “Possible Delay.” The flag can be used for grouping jobs that share common properties; in the card part, you can search for jobs having a certain flag.
Status In this field, you can enter a text describing the status of the current job. You can enter a maximum of 255 characters.
Next Step This field shows the next step in the timing plan of the job. The field shows the description of the first line in the latest revision of the timing plan that remains to be completed and represents either a time activity or a milestone.
Team 1 This field shows which team is selected as team 1 on the job in the window Timing Plans. You can change the team in this field.
Team Name 1 This field shows the name of the team entered in the field “Team 1” above.
Team 2-6 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Team 1” above.
Team Name 2-6 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Team Name 1” above.
Project Manager No. This field shows the employee number of the project manager of the current job.
Name of Project Manager This field shows the name of the project manager entered in the field “Project Manager No.” above.
Customer This field shows the customer number of the responsible customer of the current job.
Customer Description This field shows the name of the customer entered in the field “Customer No.” above.
Customer Remark 15-20 These fields show the values of the fields “Remark 15-20” in the information card of the current customer, respectively. In Maconomy Agency Solution (MAS) systems, the fields “Remark 15,” “Remark 17,” and “Remark 19” are called “Client,” “Brand,” and “Product,” respectively.
Revision Code This field shows the code of the latest revision of the current job.
Revision Closed by This field shows the name of the user who closed the latest revision of the current job.
Revision Closed, Date This field shows the date on which the latest revision of the current job was closed.
<Primary Date 1-10>, Comp. Rev. The names of these fields are determined by the setup of the pop-up field “Primary Dates” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. The field shows the dates for primary dates as specified on the revision of the job traffic status specified in the field “Revision Code” in the island Compare To in the card part. This way you can, for example, compare the job traffic status of two consecutive weeks.
Status, Comp. Rev. This field shows the content of the field “Status” as specified on the revision of the job traffic status specified in the field “Revision Code” in the island Compare To in the card part.
Next Step, Comp. Rev. copy to come
Team 1-6, Comp. Rev. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Status, Comp. Rev.” above.
Team Name 1-6, Comp. Rev. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Status, Comp. Rev.” above.
Revision Code, Comp. Rev. This field shows the revision code of the job traffic status revision with which the current job traffic status is compared.