Print Job Report Workspace

Use this workspace to generate job reports, such as a budget comparison at the activity level.

Enter and select information in the selection criteria fields to define each report. The report includes one page for each job, with general information about the job at the top, and the information that you selected below.

Use selection criteria to specify the data that you want to see, then use the Print action to generate a PDF file containing the data. Review the PDF on screen or print it.

The report includes one page for each job, with a header that shows general information about the job. Below the header the report displays budget and actual amounts for the number of hours used, cost, and billing price at the activity level. Below each total for Budget, Actual, and Invoiced, the report displays the total, less any outlays. The report can also show invoiced amounts by activity and a list of open purchase order lines.

If you did not select the Can See Cost for Time field in the Actions workspace in the Set-Up module for the current user, the report does not show costs.