Show Exported Data Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Exported Data tab.

Run Island

Field Description
Run No. This field show the run number of the exported data, that is, which run number Maconomy assigned to the data export. All exported lines from a given run can be seen in the Show Exported Files workspace.
Run Line No. This field shows the line number of the run (that is, exported file) which is currently displayed in the workspace.
Run Group No. This field shows the line number of the run (that is, exported file) which is currently displayed in the workspace.
Description This field shows the description assigned to the run (that is, exported file) which is currently displayed in the workspace.
Date This field shows the date when the export was performed in the Export Data workspace.
Amount This field shows the amount of the currently displayed export line.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the value of the dimension “Company” for the current export data line. The value is shown as it was exported, that is, after a conversion rule has been applied to the data.

Account Island

Field Description
Account No. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above.