Print A/R Aging Report Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print A/R Aging Report tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Customer No. In this field, you enter a range of customers. The printout will only include customers within this range.
Company No. In these fields, you can enter a range of company numbers. The aging report will only be calculated for customer entries with a settling company within the specified range. Maconomy prints one line per combination of company and customer.
Dimension Comb. No. In this field, you specify the number of the dimension combination when creating a new dimension combination. If the dimension combination is created on the basis of a control account, it has automatically been assigned the number of the account in question.
Statement Date In this field, you can specify the statement date of the current balance. Maconomy calculates the balances for the company’s customers on this date and summarizes the balances per A/R control account.

You cannot specify a future date in this field. This field has to be filled out.

Customer Group In this field, you can select a customer group. The report will only include customers in this group.
Department In this field, you can select a department. The report will only include customers assigned to this department.
Country In this field, you can select a country. The report will only include customers from this country.
Currency In this field, you can select a currency. The report will only include customers with this currency as their standard currency.
Control Account In this field, you can select a control account. The report will only include customers assigned to this control account.
Customer Type In this field, you can select a customer type. The report will only include customers of the specified type.
Language In this field, you can select a language. The report will only include customers whose standard language corresponds to the language specified in this field.

Statistics 1 - 4 In these fields, you can select a number of statistics codes. The report will only include customers whose values in the corresponding statistics fields in the customer information card correspond to the values specified here.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions

Field Description
Location In these fields, you can specify a range of location numbers. The printout will only include customers for which the Location field in the window Customer Information Card contains a value within the specified range.
Entity The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the Location field above.
Project The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the Location field above.
Purpose The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the Location field above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the Location field above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the Location field above.

Currency Island

Field Description
Reporting Currency In this field, you can specify the currency in which the A/R aging report should be printed. The A/R aging report will be converted into and displayed in this currency. If the current user has been assigned to a company in the window Users, Maconomy suggests the company base currency of the company in question.

When converting amounts into the selected currency, Maconomy uses the exchange rates valid on the date entered in the field “Exchange Rate Date” below, and the exchange rate table used is the exchange rate table selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module. Please note that Maconomy performs currency conversion even though the original amount has been registered in the same currency as the one specified in this field, which may give rise to discrepancies between the registered amounts and the amounts shown in this window.

Exchange Rate Date In this field, you can specify an exchange rate date. When converting amounts into the reporting currency, Maconomy uses the exchange rates valid on this date according to the enterprise exchange rate table selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module for conversion of currency amounts. See also the field “Reporting Currency.”
Exchange Rate Table Specify the exchange rate table to use in the reports.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Aging Principle This field displays the aging principle to use. The field is mandatory.
Start Date In this field, you enter the date for which to calculate the debit balance. You must enter a date.

Maconomy calculates the debit balance for five dates - according to how you mark fields in the island Print Control.

If the report looks forward, Maconomy calculates the balance for the following periods and dates:

  1. Today’s date (the date of the printout)
  2. The period before the start date
  3. 1 month/day after the start date
  4. 2 months/days after the start date
  5. Other months/days after the start date

The balance today’s date (1) is the sum of the balances for periods 2 to 5.

If the report looks back in time, Maconomy calculates the balance for the following dates:

  1. Today’s date (the date of the printout)
  2. The period after the given start date
  3. 1 month/day before the start date
  4. 2 months/days after the start date
  5. Other months/days after the start date

The balance today’s date (1) is the sum of the balances for periods 2 to 5.

Layout In this field, you can choose the layout of the printout. You can choose between “Standard” and “Detailed” of which the latter shows the entry date, transaction number, and text in addition to customer number, name, balance three months back, and previous balance.

Limit Island

Field Description
Include only customers with a balance of more than Here you can enter an amount and a currency. The report will only include customers whose balance on the start date is larger than the specified amount. Customers with a credit balance are only included if you select a negative balance limit. A credit balance is thus considered a negative debit balance.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Enterprise In this field, you can select an enterprise. The printout will only include customers for which the value in the field “Enterprise” in the window Customer Information Card corresponds to the value specified here. However, if you leave the field blank, customers with any value in the enterprise field are included.
Segment In this field, you can select a segment. The printout will only include customers for which the value in the field “Segment” in the window Customer Information Card corresponds to the value specified here. However, if you leave the field blank, customers with any value in the segment field are included.
Area In this field, you can select an area. The printout will only include customers for which the value in the field “Area” in the window Customer Information Card corresponds to the value specified here. However, if you leave the field blank, customers with any value in the area field are included.
Popup 1-5 In each of these fields, you can specify a customer pop-up value. The printout will only include customers for which the values in the fields “Popup 1-5” in the window Customer Information Card correspond to the values specified here. However, if you leave a given pop-up field blank, customers with any value in the field in question are included.