Stock Option Exercisings Tab

This section shows information about the currently selected stock option agreement, retrieved from the window Stock Option Agreements.

Stock Option Agreement Island

Field Description
Agreement No. This field shows the identification number of the current stock option agreement.
Agreement Type This field shows the agreement type of the current stock option agreement.
Share No. This field shows the number of the stock which the current stock option agreement concerns.
Currency This field shows the currency in which the stock shown in the field “Stock No.” above is traded.
Share Denomination This field shows the share denomination value per share of the current stock according to the card part of the current stock option agreement. For further information about share denomination, see the description of the field “Share Denomination” in the window Share Information Card.
Purchase Price of Shares This field shows the share price at which the stock options on the agreement are granted to the contact person, that is, the price at which the contact person is allowed to purchase shares when exercising stock options under the agreement.
Number of Shares In this field, you can specify the total number of options to be granted to the contact person under the current stock option agreement. Maconomy suggests the number of shares per agreement specified on the stock option agreement type of the current agreement, but you can change the number for the agreement here. Maconomy ensures that this number does not exceed the remaining number of shares available for the agreement type of the current agreement. Furthermore, when setting up a vesting plan in the table part, Maconomy ensures that the total number of shares granted in the table part does not exceed this number.
Earliest Exercising Date Allowed This field shows the earliest exercising date allowed for shares under the current agreement. For further information, see the description of the corresponding field in the window Stock Option Agreements.
Last Exercising Date Allowed This field shows the last exercising date allowed for shares under the current agreement. For further information, see the description of the corresponding field in the window Stock Option Agreements.
Agreement Date This field shows the agreement date of the current agreement. This date represents the date on which the agreement is legally binding.

Option List Fields Island

Field Description
List These fields show the option lists containing the values available for further specification in the fields “Value 1-5” on lines in the table part. This means that the fields “Value 1-5” on lines in the table part can only be completed with options available in the corresponding option lists specified here. If you leave a given field empty, any value can be specified in the corresponding value field. The option lists also contain the values available in the fields “Selected Value 1-5” in this island, but as the fields in the card part are all closed, you cannot enter information in these fields. Information for the value fields in this island can only be entered in the card part of the window Stock Option Agreements.
Value These fields show the options selected in the corresponding fields in the card part of the window Stock Option Agreements. For further information, see the description of the corresponding fields in the window Stock Option Agreements.

Amount Island

Field Description
Amount 1-5 These fields show a number of amounts pertaining to the current stock option agreement. The information cannot be changed here but can be entered in the corresponding fields in the card part of the window Stock Option Agreements. For further information, see the description of the corresponding fields in the window Stock Option Agreements.

Remarks Island

These fields show a number of remarks about the current stock option agreement. The information cannot be changed here but can be entered in the corresponding fields in the card part of the window Stock Option Agreements. For further information, see the description of the corresponding fields in the window Stock Option Agreements.

Contact Person Island

Field Description
Contact Person These fields show the name and number of the contact person to whom the agreement pertains.
Employee No. This field shows the number of the employee assigned to the contact person specified in the field “Contact Person No.” above, that is, the employee to which the agreement pertains.

Company Island

Field Description
Company These fields show the name and number of the company to which the stock option agreement pertains.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In these fields, you can specify an access level. You only have access to the current stock option agreement if you have been assigned to the same or a higher level in the window Access Levels. This means that on, for example, stock option agreement reports, users can only see stock option agreements to which they have access. Furthermore, in this window, a given user can only see the stock option agreements to which he or she has access. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to stock option agreements may depend on other factors. For more information about this, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If no access level is specified, all users have access to the current stock option agreement.

Status Island

Field Description
Approved This field shows whether the current compensation agreement has been approved using the action “Approve Compensation Agreement.”
Approved by This field shows the name of the user who approved the current compensation agreement using the action “Approve Compensation Agreement.” If the agreement has not been approved, this field is blank. For further information, see the field “Approved” above.
Approval Date This field shows the date on which the current compensation agreement was approved using the action “Approve Compensation Agreement.” If the agreement has not been approved, this field is blank. For further information, see the field “Approved” above.
Closed This field shows whether the current compensation agreement has been closed.
Date Closed This field shows the date on which the current compensation agreement was closed. If the agreement has not been closed then this field is blank.

Dates Island

Field Description
Date1-5 These fields show a number of dates pertaining to the current stock option agreement. The information cannot be changed here but can be entered in the corresponding fields in the card part of the window Stock Option Agreements. For further information, see the description of the corresponding fields in the window Stock Option Agreements.

User Island

Field Description
Created by This field shows the name of the user who initially created the information in the window.
Date This first Date field shows the date on which the information was originally created.
Updated by This field shows the name of the user that made the latest change.
Date This second Date field shows the date on which the information was last changed.
Version This field shows a number corresponding to the version of the information shown. Maconomy automatically increases the version number by one every time the information is changed. It is not possible to retrieve previous versions.