Bar Code Entries Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Bar Code Entries tab.

Declaration Island

Field Description
Transaction No. This field shows the number of the bar code entry. When you create a bar code entry, either by importing bar codes or manually in this window, it is given the next available number from the “Bar Code Entry” system number series. These are edited in the Numbers window in the Set-Up module.
Bar Code Scanner Here you can enter the identification of the bar code scanner or the person who made the delivery or return.

Status Island

Field Description
Validated This shows whether the bar code entry is validated. When it is validated, Maconomy verifies that the item, job and order number is created in the system.
Approved This shows whether the bar code entry is approved. When it is approved, Maconomy transfers the bar code lines to sales and credit orders and prints delivery and return notes.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. In this field, you can enter the number of the company responsible for the bar code entry. If you do not enter a value manually, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivation in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

See the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” for a further description of the concept of responsible companies.

This field also shows the name of the specified company.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.