
This section shows the Actions available in the Job Invoice Crediting workspace.

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Field Description
Create Credit Memo Selection When you select this action, you create a credit memo for the current invoice, adjusted to the billing price specified in the “Credit Memo” row of fields in the island Crediting. You can only select this action if the current invoice covers one job only, or is a main job with subjobs.

The credit memo depends on the value of the field “Restore Job Entries” in the same island. If the field “Restore Job Entries” is marked, the amount set for crediting will credit the job entries which were originally invoiced. In other words, the crediting will “cancel out” the original invoice basis.

If the field “Restore Job Entries” is not marked, the credited amount will be marked as a direct crediting, that is, a crediting without underlying job entries. In this case, the original job entries are still part of the statistics of the job. Furthermore, the cost of the credit memo will be zero if you do not restore job entries.

Please note that if the field “Do Not Adjust Amount Activities” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module is marked, it may have an effect on the credit memo selection. If you have chosen to credit less than 100% of the original invoice, the amount entries on the job will not be credited. However, if the field is not marked, amount activities will be credited by the same percentage as time activities. Crediting an invoice fully always credits both time and amount activities.

Approve Credit Memo Selection When you select this action, the current credit memo selection is approved, and a credit memo can subsequently be printed. For more information, please see the description of the action “Approve Credit Memo Selection” in the window Invoice Selection.
Print Credit Memo When you select this action, you print the current credit memo. You can only select this action if the credit memo has been approved in this window. For more information, please see the description of the action “Print Credit Memo” in the window Invoice Selection.
Create New Invoice Selection When you select this action, you create an invoice similar to the original invoice shown in this window, with an adjustment of the billing price to the amount shown in the “Billing Price” column of the “New Invoice” row of fields in the island Invoicing.

You can only select this action if the original invoice has been credited in full, and the original job entries have been restored (by marking the field “Restore Job Entries” when crediting).

This action is useful if you want to revoke a previously printed invoice completely and create an invoice based on the same job entries. Doing this, for example, lets you change the gross margin and/or the markup percentage of the invoice.

Please note that if the field “Do Not Adjust Amount Activities” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module is marked, it may have an effect on the new invoice selection. Amount activities will then always be invoiced 100%, even if you have chosen to invoice less than 100% of the original invoice. However, if the field is not marked, amount activities will be invoiced by the same percentage as time activities.

Note that if the job parameter attribute “Allow Write-Up/Down at Transfer Billing Price Only” of the type “Write-Up/Down” is assigned the value “Yes” on the job in question, you cannot create an invoice selection with an amount which is less than that of the original credit memo, as this would write down the job.

Approve New Invoice Selection When you select this action, the current invoice selection is approved, and an invoice can subsequently be printed. Note that if the current job has open entries which do not belong to the current invoice selection, they are carried forward so that they are not included in the approval of the new invoice selection. For more information, please see the description of the action “Approve Invoice Selection” in the window Invoice Selection.
Print Draft When you select this action, Maconomy prints a draft copy of the current credit memo or invoice. For more information, please see the description of the action “Print Draft” in the window Invoice Selection.
Print New Invoice When you select this action, you print the new invoice defined in the island Invoicing. You can only select this action if the invoice has been approved in this window. For more information, please see the description of the action “Print Invoice” in the window Invoice Selection.
Print Original When you select this action, a copy of the original invoice displayed in this window is printed. If the invoice layout makes use of the “Reprinted” text functionality, a language-dependent text will be printed on the invoice to signify that the printed invoice is a reprint of the original. For more information, please see the description of the field “Printed” in the window Show Job Invoice.