Account Structure Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Account Structure Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Line No. In this field you can specify a line number. If you do not specify a line number, the line will be placed at the end of the structure. The line number determines the structure used in reporting.
Line Type In this field you can select which line type you want to use. You can choose Sum, Heading, Page Break, Single Underscore, Double Underscore, and Posting lines. The line type cannot later be changed. If you want to change the line type, you must delete and recreate the existing line.

Lines of the Posting type can only be created by creating a dimension value for the Account dimension in the Account Information Card workspace.

Heading, Underscore, and Page Break lines are only displayed in the Account structure lines sub-tab if the check boxes Headings, Interlinings, or Page Break, respectively, are checked in the Show island in the Account Structure tab

Sum Level Enter a sum level in this field if the line type is Sum.
Itemize For sum-level lines you can specify in this field whether the lines between the sum level of the current line and the same sum level or higher should be displayed. Only lines with a line number lower than that of the current line are affected by this.
Name In this field you can enter the name of an account. A name is only needed if this is a sum or posting line.
Description This field displays the description of the current account.
P&L/Balance Sheet In this field, you can specify whether the current structure line should be considered a P&L account or a balance sheet account. For accounts of the type Posting, this value is copied from the Account Information Card workspace when the account is created. For accounts of the types Sum, Heading, Underlining, and Page Break, the statement type must be specified manually. The statement type determines whether the current line is to be included in certain printouts. Printouts from the Print Trial Balance, Print Norwegian Balance, and Print Balance Sheet workspaces only include account structure lines of the type Balance Sheet, while printouts from the Print Income Statement workspace only include structure lines of the type P&L. This means that to include a heading in a trial balance, the heading must be marked as a Balance Sheet line in this workspace.
Blocked If this field is checked, the current account is blocked. Blocked accounts are only displayed if Blocked Accounts is checked in the Show island in the Account Structure tab.
New Line No. In this field you can enter a new line number, if you want the current line moved to a new line number. When you press Return, the line will be given the new line number, and if a line existed with the specified line number, that line and all subsequent line numbers will be increased by one.