Budget Reallocation Workspace

Use this workspace to reallocate budget entries, letting Maconomy create the necessary budget entries.

In this workspace, you can change the selection criteria for a range of budget entries, not including intercompany entries.

You perform a reallocation by creating a budget reallocation journal and then using the Reallocate action.

In the Selection Criteria island, enter the range of entries to be reallocated.

In the Reallocate To island, enter the dimension values to which the entries are to be reallocated. If you leave a dimension field blank, the reallocated entries keep their current values in that dimension field.

Select the Show Lines field to display the entries that match the selection criteria.

Use the Reallocate action to perform the reallocation. After reallocation, the Budget Entries sub-tab displays information about the budget entries that the reallocation created. The selection criteria are blocked for the current journal so that you can review the criteria that you used.