Time Sheet Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Time Sheet Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Keep In this field, you can mark time sheet lines as “permanent.” Lines marked in this way will be copied automatically from the previous period at the creation of time sheets. New lines created will inherit this status, which means that they will automatically be copied to all new time sheets until you remove the mark from this field on the lines in question.
Favorite In this field you can select a favorite.

Note: Choosing a favorite may change other details selected in this window, such as the job, task, or activity.

Customer Name This field shows the name of the bill-to customer assigned to the job related to the hours on the current line.
Job No. This field shows the number of the job related to the hours on this line.
Job Name This field shows the name of the job related to the hours on this line.
Task Description This field shows a description of the task.
Description In this field the user may enter an entry description of the work for which hours are registered. The description is copied to a job entry upon posting. Notice the default value of the description field is the task description or the activity description.
Regular Time This field specifies whether the time sheet line has an overtime specification that is included in regular time.
Mon – Sun This field shows registered time for each day of the week in hours or days, depending on the Time Unit of the time sheet.
Total This field shows the total hours worked for the week for the job, task and activity registered on this line.
Invoiceable This field shows whether or not the line is invoiceable.
Details This field contains a status message for the current line. The field can have a number of messages indicating that the line is not yet complete, for example, if the job or task is missing on the line the status will indicate this with a message Job? or Task? respectively.
Billing Price Total, Base This field shows the total billing price of the time sheet line in the currency of the company of the job.
Missed Meal, Monday-Sunday This field specifies whether the employee utilized their daily break for the day.

If the field value is Yes, the employee skipped their break.