Central Time Sheet Transfer Workspace

Use this workspace to transfer multiple time sheet journals at the same time, which improves Maconomy's performance during heavy time sheet processing periods.

This workspace is relevant only if you use the Central transferral of time sheets system parameter.

Performance Issue

A performance bottleneck can occur when many time sheets are submitted at the same time. For example, if your company has a policy that all employees must turn in their time sheets every Monday before noon, Maconomy will be very busy processing time sheet journals all of Monday morning, slowing system performance.

Central Transfer of Time Sheets

If you do not use the Central transferral of time sheets feature, each time a time sheet line is transferred, Maconomy creates a journal line. The journal line is attached to a time sheet journal, which can subsequently be posted.

Each journal line is given a transaction number, taken from a number series for the company

Whenever Maconomy creates a journal, the journal is given a journal number, which is taken from another number series for the company.

These two number series are central resources; only one server process at a time can draw a transaction number or journal number from these number series for a given company.

If you use the Central transferral of time sheets feature, Maconomy does not create a journal line when a time sheet line is transferred. Instead, Maconomy adds the time sheet line to a queue and, later, creates journal lines from this queue. Until journal lines are created, Maconomy does not need journal numbers and transaction numbers.

Because creating journal lines from a queue is a single-server process, it has little effect on performance. Using the Central transferral of time sheets feature also has no effect on how users create and submit time sheets.

Transfer Process

You can perform the transfer manually, using the Transfer action in this workspace, or you can set up a scheduled task on the server that performs the transfer at regular intervals, which is preferable.

Search Criteria

The tab of this workspace includes a selection criteria island, where you choose the companies and dates for which you want to see time sheet transfer lines. You can only see lines for companies to which you have access.

Maconomy selects all lines for transfer by default, but you can deselect individual lines.