Job Budget Revisions Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budget Revisions tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the number of the job to which the budget applies.
Job Name This field shows the job’s name.
Job Group This field shows the job group to which the job was assigned at the time when the revision was created.
Status This field shows the status of the current job at the time when the revision was created. A job can either be “Quote” or “Order.”
Responsible This field shows the name of the employee who was responsible for the job at the time when the revision was created.
Closed If this field is marked, the job was closed at the time when the revision was created.

Customer Island

Field Description
Cust. No. This is the number of the customer associated with the job (the ship-to customer) at the time when the revision was created.
Name This is the first line of the ship-to customer’s name, retrieved from the window Jobs.

Status Island

Field Description
Submitted This field displays if the job budget was submitted at the time when the revision was created.
Approved This field displays if the job budget was approved at the time when the revision was created.
Reopened This field displays if the job budget was reopened at the time when the revision was created.

Limit Island

Field Description
Hours This field contains the approximate number of hours to be spent on the job at the time when the revision was created.
Cost, Base This field contains the expected cost of the job in base currency at the time when the revision was created.
Billing Price, Currency This field contains the expected billing price of the job in base currency at the time when the revision was created.

Budget, Base Island

Field Description
Hours The values in this island display the job budget in base currency at the time when the revision was created. For more information, please see the description of the window Job Budgets.
Cost These fields display the budgeted cost of the job in the job’s currency at the time when the revision was created.
Billing Price These fields display the budgeted billing price of the job in the job’s currency at the time when the revision was created.
GM These fields show the job’s budgeted gross margin (GM) in base currency at the time when the revision was created.
GM % These fields show the job’s budgeted gross margin percent (GM %) at the time when the revision was created.
Time This field displays the total of the budgeted hours, costs, billing prices and gross margin, which were entered in the table part for time activities at the time when the revision was created.
Amount This field displays the total of the budgeted costs and billing prices which were entered for amount activities in the table part at the time when the revision was created.
Total This field displays the total of all the budgeted costs and billing prices entered in the table part of the window at the time when the revision was created.
Hereof Outlays These fields show the budgeted costs for all amount activities, for which the cost type has been set to “Outlays.” This means that the field only shows the cost part of the relevant outlays, whereas the below field “Excluding Outlays” also includes the gross margin from the outlay. For more information about outlay activities, please see the description of the window Activities.
Excluding Outlays These fields show the sum of the budgeted prices for all activities in the table part of this window, less the cost price for any amount activities for which the cost type has been set to “Outlays.” Furthermore, the resulting gross margin and GM % are shown excluding outlays.
Total Per This field displays the unit given in the window Unit Analysis, as well as the values in the “Total” row, divided by the quantity given in the Unit Analysis island at the time when the revision was created.
Limit This field displays a budget limit for the job which was entered at the time when the revision was created.
Quote Price This field displays a quote for the entire job as it looked at the time when the revision was created.

Budget, Currency Island

The fields in this island correspond to the fields in the island Budget, Base. The only difference is that here the amounts are shown in the currency used on the job.

Billing Price Deviations Island

Field Description
Standard Billing Price, Base This field shows the total budgeted standard billing prices in the company’s base currency at the time when the revision was created.
Billing Price, Base This field shows the total budgeted billing prices in the company’s base currency at the time when the revision was created.
Budgeted Deviation This field shows the difference between the budgeted billing price and the standard billing price at the time when the revision was created. The amount in this field is the write-up or write-down of the budgeted billing price compared to the standard billing price. For more information about standard billing price, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current job.
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency of the company responsible for the current job.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.

Budget Type Island

Field Description
Show Budget This field shows the budget type of the current revision of the job budget. The budget lines are shown in the table, and the sums are displayed in the Budget island.
Current Budget This field shows which budget was the current budget for the job at the time when the revision was created.
Forecast Budget This field shows which budget was the forecast budget for the job at the time when the revision was created.
Planning Budget This field shows which budget was the planning budget for the job at the time when the revision was created.

Revision Island

Field Description
Revision No. This field displays the number of the current revision of the job budget.
Revision Code In this field, you can enter a revision code to mark the current revision of the job budget in a certain way. The same revision code can only appear on one revision of a budget of a given type and for a given job.

If you want to put restrictions to the texts entered in this field, the contents can be delimited by applying an option list to the revision code. Option lists are created in the window Option Lists in the Set-Up module and are subsequently specified in the attribute “Revision Code Option List” in the job parameter type “Job Text Option Lists” for the job in question. If you have specified an option list in the above-mentioned attribute, only values belonging to that option list can be entered in this field.

Remarks If no values have been defined in the attribute “Revision Code Option List,” you can enter any text you like in this field.

In these fields, you can enter information about the current revision of the job budget.

Forecast Island

Field Description
Probability % If the current job had a “Quote” status at the time when the revision was created, this field shows the probability percentage rating for the current job resulting in an order. If the job was on order, Maconomy automatically changed the value of this field to “100.”

Unit Analysis Island

Field Description
Quantity If the job is for several similar units, for example, two advertisements, three houses or ten meters of cable, the quantity of these units can be given here. You can then use the Budget island in this window and the Summary island in the window Job Card to see the “Total” values per unit.
Unit If there is a value in the “Quantity” field, you can enter the unit here.

Description Island

Field Description
Internal These fields show the internal description of the job, entered in the window Jobs, at the time when the revision was created.
Ref. This is the reference from the “Ref.” field in the window Jobs at the time when the revision was created.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the settling company that applies to the current job.
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.