Mileage Sheet Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Mileage Sheet Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Entry Date In this field, you enter an entry date. Maconomy suggests the current date. You can only enter dates within the open posting period for job entries applying to the company responsible for the job specified on the current line.

If you update this field, and there are mileage rules that fulfill the conditions on the mileage lines, then the Activity, Unit Price, Currency, and Task fields will be overwritten with the value derived by the system.

For further information, see the description of the island Job Cost in the window Company Information in the G/L module.

Favorite In this field you can select a favorite. If you are using the Maconomy client for Java™, the field is a drop-down list showing the favorites available in the current context. The favorites derive from the window Favorites. You can create and edit your own personal favorites, or other people, for instance a project manager, your department manager, or the finance department, can create favorites and distribute them to a selection of employees from the window Job Employees.
Job No. In this field, you enter the number of the job to which the current mileage expense pertains. If the system parameter “Allow expense sheets for multiple jobs” is not marked, you can only enter the job number specified in the main tab of this window. In this way, it is ensured that only expenses for the specified job are approved when the mileage sheet is approved. If the system parameter is marked, you can enter any job number in this field.

If you change the job number in the main tab, the effects depend on whether the system parameter “Allow expense sheets for multiple jobs” has been marked. If this parameter is not marked, changing the value in the main tab causes the job number on all lines to be changed accordingly. If the parameter is marked, the job number is only updated accordingly on lines where the job number corresponds to the job number present in the main tab before the change was made.

From In this field, you enter the name of the location from which your journey starts.
To In this field, you enter the destination of your journey.
Via In this field, you can enter a location via which you travel. The field is used to indicate any deviation from the shortest route between the From and To locations.
Vehicle In this field, you enter, for example, whether you use your own car or a company car. In some countries, it is mandatory to enter this information for tax purposes.

If you update this field, and there are mileage rules that fulfill the conditions on the mileage lines, then the Activity, Unit Price, Currency, and Task fields will be overwritten with the value derived by the system.

Quantity In this field, you can specify the number of units of the current activity for which an expense is incurred. However, if a value has been entered in the field “Mileage Sheets” in the island Registration Limits in the window Activities for the activity for which you wish to register amounts, you cannot enter a larger quantity for the activity than specified in that field. If there are several mileage sheet lines for a given employee with the activity in question, the sum of the registrations on these lines cannot exceed the daily registration limit specified in the above-mentioned field for the activity in question. If you update this field, and there are mileage rules that fulfill the conditions on the mileage lines, then the Activity, Unit Price, Currency, and Task fields will be overwritten with the value derived by the system.

If the field “Quantity 1 from Quantity on Mileage Sheet” and/or the field “Quantity 2 from Quantity on Mileage Sheet” is marked in the window Activities for the current activity, the quantity entered here is automatically transferred to the field “Quantity 1” and/or “Quantity 2” on the current line. In this way, the quantity can be transferred to the General Ledger. Note that if a value has already been entered in the field “Quantity 1” or “Quantity 2”, the value in the field “Quantity” is not transferred. For more information, see the description of the window Activities.

Unit Price, Currency In this field, you enter the expense amount in the currency selected in the field “Currency.” The amount should be entered including tax, if any. Maconomy calculates the total amount based on information from job price lists and activity information tabs. The amount is shown in the field “Amount, Currency.” For a more detailed description of price calculation, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost module.” You can change the value suggested by Maconomy. Even though fixed exchange rate information is applied to a job on which registrations are made, Maconomy does not convert on the basis of fixed exchange rate information in this field, as the registration represents a balance between an employee and his or her company. The real conversion to the job currency will not take place until the journal that the mileage sheet results in is posted.

If the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change” has been marked, the price in this field is updated when certain key information on the line is changed, for instance, the activity or dimension values. If there is a mileage rule which can be applied to the mileage sheet line, this field will be derived automatically by the system.

For further information on this and for a complete list of the fields causing the price to be updated, see the description of the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change.”

Amount, Currency This field shows the total expense amount for the current mileage in the currency selected in the field “Currency.” The amount is calculated as the value in the field “Quantity” multiplied by the value in the field “Unit Price, Currency.”
Transaction Type By default, this field shows the transaction type selected in the main tab, but you can change the type if you want.
Description In this field, you can enter or change a description of the current entry. When you create a line, Maconomy will suggest a text in this field, depending on how the current activity is set up. The activity can be set up to derive the description of the activity or the description of the currently selected task, or to leave the field blank. For more information, please see the description of the window Activities.

When the mileage sheet is posted, the description in this field is used as entry text for the current mileage sheet line, along with the word “Outlay” and the currency entered on the line. If you do not enter a description, the entry text will only be “Outlay” and the currency.

Job Name This field shows the name of the job assigned to the current expense.
Act. No. In this field, you enter the number of the activity on which the expense should be entered. It is only possible to find activities of the type “Amount” if you use the search functions in the Find menu.

If a mileage rule has been set up which can be applied to the mileage sheet line, Maconomy will automatically update this field accordingly.

Activity Name This field displays the text defined for the current activity.
Task In this field, you can enter the task assigned to the specified expense.

If a mileage rule has been set up which can be applied to the mileage sheet line, Maconomy will automatically update this field accordingly.

Tax Code (Tax Code 1-3) In this pop-up field, you select the tax code to be used. You cannot change the tax code on a reopened mileage sheet line if the line has been transferred for posting.

You can add up to three different tax codes if necessary. To enable multiple tax codes, the system parameters “Show Three Tax Levels” and/or “Show Two Tax Levels” must be marked in the System Parameters window. When multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2,” and, if enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Tax, Currency (Tax Total, Currency and Tax 1-3, Currency) This field shows the tax amount in the currency selected in the field “Currency.” The tax can be calculated in two ways, depending on whether the system parameter “Tax from extended price in mileage sheets” is marked. For further information about the functionality of this system parameter, see the description of the window System Parameters in the Set-Up module.

The value in the field can also be changed manually. However, changing the tax amount on a mileage sheet line will not give rise to a change in the fields “Amount, Currency/Base” and “Unit Price, Currency/Base,” as the amount specified on the line is the outlay/expense that the employee has had on a certain job, and this amount is thus not dependent on a certain tax amount. Changing the tax amount thus only affects the costs registered on the job in question.

Note that you cannot enter a tax amount exceeding the total amount on the line, and that it is not possible to change the tax amount on a mileage sheet which has already been posted.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax, Currency” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Total, Currency,” “Tax 1, Currency,” “Tax 2, Currency,” and, if enabled, “Tax 3, Currency.” The “Tax Total, Currency” field calculates the sum of the other individual tax fields. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Currency In this field, you can select the currency of the expense. Maconomy suggests the enterprise currency. You cannot change the currency on a reopened mileage sheet line if the line has been transferred for posting.
Exchange Rate This field shows the exchange rate between the currency on the line and the base currency of the employee assigned to the mileage sheet. The exchange rate displayed in the field can either be the exchange rate specified in the “Exchange Rate” field in the main tab or a default exchange rate transferred from the relevant exchange rate table. The value displayed can be changed manually, if the currency used on the line is different from the employee’s base currency. If the currency is similar to the employee’s base currency, the exchange rate in this field must be 10,0 and thus cannot be changed manually. The system issues a warning if the exchange rate entered differs more than 10% from the relevant exchange rate in the exchange rate table.
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not enter a value manually, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivation in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Parameters in the Set-Up module. See the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the window Dimension Derivation for a further description of dimension derivation.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Approval, Project Manager This field shows the status of the job assigned by the project manager in the window Approve Mileage Sheet Lines. When the mileage sheet has been submitted, the project manager can use the window Approve Mileage Sheet Lines to approve, reject or release each line if the approval principle of the job indicates that approval by the project manager is mandatory or optional. However, if the line pertains to a job for which the employee in question is the project manager, the line automatically receives project manager approval if the job parameter “Automatically approve Project Manager’s Expense Lines” has been set to “Yes” for the job in question. For further information, please see the description of the window Approve Mileage Sheet Lines.

If the status of the line is “Approved” or “Released,” and the line is changed, the status changes to blank. If the line has the status “Rejected,” and the line is changed, the status of rejected is maintained.

Approved by This field shows the name of the project manager who assigned the current approval status (shown in the field “Approval, Project Manager”) to the line.
Approval Date This field shows the date on which the project manager assigned the current approval status (shown in the field “Approval, Project Manager”) to the line.
Comment This field shows any comments entered by the project manager in connection with the approval, release or rejection of the line.
Task Description This field shows the description defined for the current task, if such has been entered.
Task Path This field shows any task path of the task (see the description of hierarchical tables in the section “Task Path” in the chapter “Getting Started with the Java™ Client”).
Unit Price, Base In this field, you enter the expense amount for one unit of the current activity in the base currency of the company responsible for the job. The amount should be entered including tax, if any. Maconomy calculates the total price based on information from job price lists or activity information tabs. For a more detailed description of price calculation, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost module.” You can change the value suggested by Maconomy.

If the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change” has been marked, the price in this field is updated when certain key information on the line is changed, for instance the activity or dimension values. For further information on this and for a complete list of the fields causing the price to be updated, see the description of the system parameter “Update prices upon dimension change.”

Amount, Base This field shows the expense amount in base currency. Maconomy calculates the amount by multiplying the value in the field “Quantity” with the value in the “Unit Price, Base” field, and uses the current exchange rate table for purchases for the currency conversion.
Tax, Base (Tax Total, Base and Tax 1-3, Base) This field shows any tax on the expense amount in base currency. Maconomy uses the current purchase currency table for currency conversion. If the tax amount is changed manually in the field “Tax, Currency,” the value in this field is updated accordingly.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax, Base” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Total, Base,” “Tax 1, Base,” “Tax 2, Base,” and, if enabled, “Tax 3, Base.” The “Total Tax, Base” field calculates the sum of the other individual tax fields. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Reference In this field, you can enter a text as reference to the expense, for example, a transaction number.
Start Date In this field, you can specify the date at which an expense began. It can, for example, be expenses in connection with a hotel stay.
Started In this field, you can specify the time on which an expense began.
Closing Date In this field, you can specify the date on which an expense was closed.
Finished In this field, you can specify the time on which an expense ended.
Invoiceable This field shows whether or not the line is invoiceable.
Remark 1-3 In these fields, you can write remarks connected to the current mileage sheet line.
Quantity 1 In this field, you can enter a quantity used on the current activity, for instance the number of miles driven for a mileage report. The quantity is transferred to the mileage sheet journal, and the information can be used in reporting and statistics. The quantity entered in the field “Quantity” can be transferred to this field automatically. For more information, please see the description of the field “Quantity” above.
Quantity 2 The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Quantity 1” above.
Document Name In this field, you can enter the name of one of the documents in the document archive specified in the main tab. This way, if you have scanned the vouchers related to each expense, and assigned them to a document archive, you can specify which of the documents contains the voucher relevant to each line. By selecting this line in the table and then selecting the action “View Document,” the document specified in this field is displayed in a third-party program.
Customer No. This field shows the number of the bill-to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Customer Name This field shows the name of the bill-to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Level 1 Name – Level 5 Name These fields show the customers in the hierarchy levels above the customer on the line. These fields are only available if customer levels are set up using the designated System Parameters.
Language This field shows the language specified for the customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Details This field contains a status message for the current line. Additionally, a link is available on the status text that will open a new window focusing on the line details.
Purchase Order Number In this field, you can specify a purchase order number.

This field is not displayed by default. Only subcontractors logged in as employees can view and edit this field in their time/expense/mileage sheets. All other users can display this field but cannot edit the value.

Purchase Order Line Number In this field, you can specify a purchase order line number.

This field is not displayed by default. Only subcontractors logged in as employees can view this field in their time/expense/mileage sheets. All other users can display this field but cannot edit the value.