Price Index Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Price Index sub-tab.

Field Description
Start Date In this field, you can specify the starting date of the period in which the price index on the line should apply. When you specify a starting date, the ending date on the line covering the period before the specified starting date is changed to the day before the specified date. Furthermore, if you enter a date which lies within the period covered by another line, the current line will be assigned the ending date of the line whose period the current line overlaps.

The line with the latest starting date will always have an open ending date.

If you delete a line, the period of the line above the deleted line is prolonged, as it is assigned the ending date of the deleted line.

Closing Date This field shows the ending date of the period in which the price index on the line should apply. Maconomy automatically assigns an ending date to each line, causing the period of each line to end on the day before the starting date of the next period defined on a line in the table part. However, the line with the latest starting date will always have a blank ending date. For a detailed description of the functionality of the field, see the field “From Date” above.
Price Index In this field, specify the price index value to apply in the period specified on the line. For information about the use of the index, see the introduction to the window Price Adjustment Principles.