Serial Number Receipt Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Serial Number Receipt tab.

Item Purchase Line Island

Field Description
Item Purchase Order No. This is the number of the item purchase order for which you are entering serial numbers. You cannot change it.
Line No. This is the line number to which you are entering serial numbers. It cannot be changed.

Item Island

Field Description
Item No. This is the item number on the purchase line to which you are entering serial numbers. It cannot be changed.
Description This is the item text to the purchase line to which you are entering serial numbers. It can only be changed in the Item purchase orders window.
Vendor Item No. This is the vendor’s item number for the purchase line to which you are entering serial numbers. It can only be changed in the Item purchase orders window.
Vendor Item Desc. This is the vendor’s item text for the purchase line to which you are entering serial numbers. It can only be changed in the Item purchase orders window.
Internal Desc. This is the internal item text for the purchase line to which you are entering serial numbers. It can only be changed in the Item purchase orders window.

Quantity Island

Field Description
Ordered This field shows how many units have been ordered on the purchase line to which you are entering serial numbers. It can only be changed in the Item purchase orders window.
Balance This shows how many units which have yet to be registered to the purchase line to which you are entering serial numbers. The value is automatically updated by Maconomy when you register items using the action “Approve Receipt” in the Item Receipt window.
Currently Received This shows how many units are entered for receipt on the item purchase order line to which you are entering serial numbers. It can only be changed in the Item Receipt window.
No. of Serial Nos. Received This field shows how many serial number units are entered in the table part of the window. Serial number entry in this window is mandatory for items which have the serial number control type “Full Serial No. Registration” or “Serial No. Reg. at Receipt” set up in the window Item Information Card. Therefore, if an item purchase order line contains an item with one of these serial number control types, receipt of the current item purchase order cannot be approved before you have entered as many serial numbers as shown in the field “Received.”

Warehouse Island

Field Description
Serial No. Control This field shows whether the item has serial number control. You can only enter items with serial number control. The value is retrieved from the item information card in the Inventory module and it cannot be changed here.
Warehouse This is the warehouse the purchased items will be placed in. The warehouse is selected when the item purchase order is created.
Stock Location No. This shows the location at which the items on the item purchase order line are to be received. The value is automatically transferred to each line in the table part.
Delivery Date This is the preferred delivery date. It can only be changed in the Item purchase orders window.

Price Island

Field Description
Unit Price This is the unit price of the purchase line. It can only be changed in the Item purchase orders window.
Pricing Unit This shows how many units are included in the unit price. It is retrieved from the item information card and cannot be changed here.
Extended Price This is the current extended price, which is the quantity of units ordered multiplied by the unit price and divided by the pricing unit. It cannot be changed manually.
Price at Step 1 This is the price of one pricing unit of the item, if the item purchase order is attached to a price list and if there is a price for the item in the price list. It cannot be changed manually.
Quantity Disc. This is the quantity discount, if there is a quantity discount on the item in the price list applied to the purchase, and if the quantity ordered justifies a discount.

Information Island

Field Description
Item Group This field shows the item group for the purchase line to which you are entering serial numbers.
Item Type This field shows the item type for the purchase line to which you are entering serial numbers.
Unit This field shows the unit for the purchase line to which you are entering serial numbers.
Tax Code This field shows the tax code for the purchase line to which you are entering serial numbers.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2,” and, if three tax levels are enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”