Entries Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Entries sub-tab.

Field Description
Entry Date This is the entry date in the accounts payable and general ledger. The date identifies the posting period.
Description This is the entry text. The text was entered where the entry was registered:
  • Vendor Invoice — The text is entered manually.
  • Payment — The text is entered by Maconomy using the Vendor Payment subledger text from the Posting Descriptions window in the G/L module.
  • General Journal — The text is entered manually.
Trans. No. This is the entry’s transaction number. The transaction number was given where the entry was registered:
  • Vendor Invoice — The number is entered manually.
  • Payment — The number is allocated by Maconomy from the Vendor Payment system numbers in the window System Numbers in the Set-Up module
  • General Journal — The number is entered manually.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the vendor entry.
Debit, Currency This is the debit entry amount in the vendor’s standard currency.
Credit, Currency This is the credit entry amount in the vendor’s standard currency.
Due Date This is the entry’s due date. The due date was calculated where the entry was registered:
  • Vendor Invoice — The due date is calculated from the invoice date and the vendor’s payment terms.
  • Payment — The due date is the same as the posting date.
  • General Journal — The due date is calculated from the invoice date and the vendor’s payment terms.
Pay when Paid This field shows whether payment when paid applies to the entry in question. For further information, see the description of the corresponding field in the window Change Payment Selection by Vendor.
Ready for Payment This field shows whether the current entry is ready for payment. For further information, see the description of the corresponding field in the window Change Payment Selection by Vendor.
Debit, Base This is the debit entry amount in the base currency.
Credit, Base This is the credit entry amount in the base currency.
O/C This field shows whether the entry is open or closed. The field will show “Open” or “Closed.”

A vendor invoice is shown as an open entry until it is paid or reconciled. When it is paid, it is “gone” and closed. A payment entry is always shown as a closed entry.

A vendor balance is always the same as the sum of the open entries.

Invoice Date This is the entry’s invoice date from the vendor.
Invoice No. This is the vendor invoice number from the vendor.
Approved This field shows whether the invoice is approved. If the field is marked, the invoice has been approved. When an entry is approved, it can be selected for payment in the window Change Payment Selection by Vendor.

Entries are approved in the window Approve Invoices.

Original Currency This is the currency in which the entry was originally entered.
amount, Original This is the original entry amount, expressed in the original currency.
Date Posted This is the date the entry was posted to the accounts payable and general ledger.
Journal No. This is the number of the journal to which the entry was posted.