Warehouses Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Warehouses Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Warehouse Here you select to which warehouse the item is assigned. The pop-up field shows only existing warehouses, that is, warehouses created in the Warehouse Information Card. It is only possible to make registrations for an item on a given warehouse, for example, sales and item purchase orders and inventory changes, if the item has been assigned to the warehouse in question on a line in this window.
Deliv. Time Here you specify the item’s delivery time in days. This information is used in the Sales Orders module to inform a customer of an expected delivery date, if the item is temporarily out of stock. Maconomy then calculates a delivery date based on the delivery time and, if inventory profile is used for the item in the current warehouse, any purchases and productions making the item available within the delivery time.
Inventory Profile If you mark this field, Maconomy will use the inventory profile for sales, purchases and production of the item from this ware house. The field can only be completed for items with inventory control.

An inventory profile is a listing of sales, purchase and production order volume, and thus predicts the expected future shipments and receipts of the item. If you mark this field, the inventory profile can be viewed in the “Inventory Profiles” window.Maconomy uses the profile and the item’s delivery time to calculate delivery dates and quantities. When items are reserved for sales and production, Maconomy calculates the earliest possible delivery date from the current stock, delivery time and the expected shipments and receipts. When you create purchase and production selections, Maconomy uses the same data to calculate the item quantity that precisely covers the preferred maximum stock, as well as the scheduled shipments.

Using the actions in the Warehouse Information Card window, you can change the Inventory Profile status of all of items in a given warehouse simultaneously.

Purchase Control Here you specify whether to apply Maconomy’s item purchase selection facility. Maconomy can automatically create item purchase selections based on the item’s reorder level and maximum inventory. The field can only be completed for items with inventory control.
Buyer In this field, you can specify the name of the person typically responsible for buying the current item. You can enter any text. The information in this field is used when running item purchase selections, where you can set up criteria where the buyer information on each item determines whether the item in question is to be included in the selection.

You can also specify a buyer on each line in the card part, thus indicating an item specific buyer. When you create an item purchase selection for a given warehouse, Maconomy checks the buyer on the line pertaining to the warehouse in question to see if it matches the selection criteria specified of the purchase selection. If no buyer has been specified on the line pertaining to the warehouse in question, the buyer in the card part is checked instead.

Similarly, you can specify a buyer for the item group to which the current item is assigned, and the buyer of the item group will thus be checked against the selection criteria of a given item purchase selection if a buyer has been specified neither on the relevant line in the table part of the item information card nor in the card part of the item information card. For further information on this process, see the description of the field “Buyer” in the window Item Purchase Orders in the Item Purchase module.

Reorder Level Here you specify the item’s reorder level, which is used to make automatic item purchase selections. The field can only be completed for items with inventory control. Maconomy suggests you purchase more of the item when the current inventory, less sales orders and back orders, added to item purchase orders, gives a sum that is equal to or less than the reorder level. The value is specified in units.

You can also enter a negative figure here. If, for example, you do not wish to keep an item in stock, but only create an item purchase selection when the item is ordered by a customer, you can enter the value of the negative minimum sales unit and the value “0” in the field “Max. Stock.” When the item is entered in a sales order in the Sales Orders module, Maconomy will create an item purchase selection for as many units of the item as the customer has ordered.

Max. Stock Here you specify the inventory’s recommended maximum stock of the item. This value is used for calculating the quantity to order when making automatic item purchase selections. Maconomy suggests a restocking to this maximum level when the current stock, less sales orders and back orders, added to item purchase orders, gives a quantity that is less than or equal to the reorder level. Maconomy verifies that the maximum value is greater than the reorder level.

The field can only be completed for items with inventory control.

Seasonal Model No. In this field, you can enter a seasonal model if the item has purchase control and if you want the purchase requirement for the current item to the current warehouse to be dependent on the purchase date. When item purchase selections are created, Maconomy checks if there is a relevant need for purchase of the current item. During this verification process the item’s reorder level and maximum stock will be regulated according to the percentages specified in the seasonal model. Maconomy uses the line in the seasonal model which is active at the time where the item can be delivered; that is the creation date of the item purchase selection plus the item’s delivery time. Seasonal models are created in the window Seasonal Models in the Item Purchase module.

The field can only be completed for items with inventory control.

Rec. Purchase Here, the recommended purchase quantity of the item is shown. If the field has been filled in, the window Item Purchase Selection in the Item Purchases module will suggest the purchase of a whole number times the specified quantity. The field can only be completed for items with inventory control.
Average Cost This is the average cost per item pricing unit in the current warehouse. For items with inventory control, Maconomy automatically updates this field by calculating a new average every time you receive units of the item at the current warehouse in the Item Purchase and Inventory modules. For items without inventory control, this field always corresponds to the field “Last Cost.”
Last Cost This is the last cost per item pricing unit in the current warehouse. For items with inventory control, Maconomy automatically updates the value, regardless of whether you receive items at the current warehouse in the Inventory Change window (Inventory module) or in the Item Receipt window (Item Purchase module). You cannot change the value manually.
Standard Cost Here you can specify the standard cost per item pricing unit in the current warehouse. The field uses the base currency of the company to which the current warehouse is assigned.

Until transactions (that is, inventory changes, receipts or shipments) have been made for the item in the warehouse in question, this standard cost is used when calculating prices on, for example, sales orders and invoices, regardless of the costing method used for the item. This allows you to enter a price to be used for the first registrations until Maconomy can automatically calculate the average and last costs. Once transactions have been made for the item in the warehouse, Maconomy uses the relevant costs according to the costing method of the item when registrations are made.

If the item is in stock, and if you use a standard costing method, you can only change the standard cost by adjusting costs in the window Inventory Change.

Inventory Value This shows the item’s current inventory value in the current warehouse. The amount is shown in the base currency of the company to which the current warehouse is assigned. If the costing method is “Standard,” “Average” or “Last,” Maconomy calculates the value as the current stock of the item at the current warehouse, multiplied by the item’s current cost and divided by the pricing unit. If the item’s costing method is FIFO, the value is calculated as the sum of the value of the item batches related to the warehouse. It is not possible to change the value in this field.
Vendor Here you enter the number of the vendor who is the primary supplier of the item to the warehouse. Maconomy checks that the field “Blocked” has not been marked for the current vendor. If the vendor has not been created as a supplier of the current item to the current warehouse in the window Suppliers in the Item Purchase module, he will automatically be created as supplier.

The vendor in this field will be used when creating item purchase selections for the current item to the current warehouse. If you want to register several suppliers for one item, this can be done in the window Suppliers. However, a vendor does not have to be registered as a supplier to be used when purchasing the item on item purchase orders.

Vendor Item No. Here you enter the vendor’s number for the item. This number is printed on item purchase orders in the Item Purchase module, instead of your own item number. This makes it easier for the vendor to identify the item. If you specify a vendor in the field “Vendor No.” who has been created as a supplier of the current item for the current warehouse, Maconomy automatically transfers any vendor description entered in the window Suppliers.
Vendor Item Descr. Here you enter the vendor’s item text. This text is printed on item purchase orders in the Item Purchase module, in place of your own item text. If you specify a vendor in the field “Vendor No.” who has been created as a supplier of the current item for the current warehouse, Maconomy automatically transfers any vendor description entered in the window Suppliers.
Stock on Hand This field shows the current inventory in item units. You cannot change the value.
Quote This field shows how many item units are under quote. Items under quote are not reserved in the warehouse. The value cannot be changed.
Sales Orders This field shows the current volume of sales orders. The value cannot be changed. The value is calculated as the quantity of units ordered on order lines concerning the current combination of item and warehouse less the quantity delivered on the same lines.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, and if this item is a raw material, the order volume here will include the quantity of units reserved in the BOM Production window.

If you use the back order register in the Sales Orders module, both order lines in the back order register and sales order lines are counted when Maconomy records order and back order quantities.

Available This field shows how many item units are available in the warehouse.

If your company uses the “By Packing” back order method, the available inventory is calculated as the current stock, less sales orders and back orders.

If your company uses the “By Reservation” back order method, the available inventory is calculated as the current inventory, less sales orders. The available inventory cannot be negative. The value cannot be changed.

Back Orders This field shows the current volume of back orders. The value cannot be changed. Your company can select one of two back order methods: “By Packing” and “By Reservation.” The two methods are described in detail in the chapter on Sales Orders, for the “Back Orders” field in the Sales Orders window.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, and if this item is a raw material, the back order volume here will include the quantity of units on back order in the BOM Production window.

If you use the back order register in the Sales Orders module, you should note that both order lines in the back order register and sales order lines are counted when Maconomy records order and back order quantities.

Purchase Orders This field shows how many item units are currently on order from the vendor. The value cannot be changed.
Production This field shows how many units of the item are used in a production in the BOM production window. An item is used in production if it is a BOM part with inventory control that is in a production transaction for which raw materials are reserved.
Production Control If the item is a BOM part and if you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, you can mark this field to show that the item has production control in this warehouse. If you mark the field, Maconomy will create a production selection for the item in the Production Selection window. This selection will be based on available inventory, reorder level and maximum inventory.
Std. Serial No., Purchase If you have marked the system parameter “Extended Serial Number Control” and if the current item uses serial number control, you can enter a standard serial number for purchase in this field. The serial number must exist for the current item in the current warehouse. When creating a purchase line for the item, a serial number receipt line with the standard serial number and the ordered number is automatically created in the window Serial No. Receipt. When receipt of items is registered in the window Item Receipt, Maconomy checks if there is exactly one serial number line for the current receipt line and if the numbers in the fields “Ordered” and “Received” on this serial number line correspond to the numbers in the corresponding fields on the current receipt line. If this is the case, the serial number line is automatically updated with the number registered as received in the window Item Receipt, and it is therefore not necessary to manually register serial number receipt for items using a standard serial number. If you do not enter a standard serial number, Maconomy does not automatically create serial number receipt lines.
Std. Serial No., Sales If you have marked the system parameter “Extended Serial Number Control” and if the current item uses with serial number control, you can enter a standard serial number for sales in this field. The serial number must exist for the current item in the current warehouse. When creating an order line in the windows Sales Orders and Credit Orders, a serial number line is automatically created in the window Serial No. Entry with the standard serial number and the quantity specified for packing as well as crediting on the order line. When entering packing information in the window Packing Lists, Maconomy checks if there is exactly one serial number line for the current order line and if the number in the field “Units” on this serial number line corresponds to the number for packing on the current order line. If this is the case, the serial number line is automatically updated with the number registered as packed in the window Packing Lists, and it is therefore not necessary to manually register serial number receipt for items using a standard serial number.
Std. Storage Loc. In this field, you can specify where the current item is usually stored in the current warehouse after being received and checked.

This field is used in the process of finding a target location when picking lists are created from warehouse transactions concerning the current combination of item and warehouse and no target location has been specified on a line. When picking lists are created from warehouse transactions concerning the current combination of item and warehouse and no target location has been specified on a line, this location is used as the target location on the resulting picking list line. If no standard storage location has been specified in this field, Maconomy attempts to find a target location through a procedure which is described in detail in the description of the action “Print Picking List.”

Last Storage Loc. This field shows the location to which the item was last moved in the current warehouse in connection with moving units of the item from one warehouse location to another. The field is automatically updated when closing a picking list for the current warehouse on which the current item is specified. This field thus shows the location to which the item was last moved on a picking list concerning the current warehouse. However, the location can be changed manually to indicate where the item should be moved to next time the current item is to be moved between locations in the warehouse in question.

The last storage location is used in the process of finding a source location when picking lists are created from warehouse transactions concerning the current combination of item and warehouse and no target location has been specified on a line. For further information on this process, see the description of the action “Print Picking List.”

Std. Picking Loc. In this field, you can specify where the current item is usually picked in the current warehouse when it is moved to another location for instance to be packed and shipped at a shipping location.

This field is used in the process of finding a source location when picking lists are created from warehouse transactions concerning the current combination of item and warehouse and no source location has been specified on a line. When picking lists are created from warehouse transactions concerning the current combination of item and warehouse and no source location has been specified on a line, this location is used as the picking location on the resulting picking list line. If no standard picking location has been specified in this field, Maconomy attempts to find a source location through a procedure which is described in detail in the description of the action “Print Picking List.”

Last Picking Loc. This field shows the location at which the item was last picked in the current warehouse in connection with moving units of the item from one warehouse location to another. The field is automatically updated when closing a picking list for the current warehouse on which the current item is specified. This field thus shows the location from which the item was last picked on a picking list concerning the current warehouse. However, the location can be changed manually to indicate where the item should be picked next time.

The last picking location is used in the process of finding a source location when picking lists are created from warehouse transactions concerning the current combination of item and warehouse and no source location has been specified on a line. For further information on this process, see the description of the action “Print Picking List.”

Last Receipt This is the date units of the current item were last received in the current warehouse. The date cannot be changed here.
Last Shipment This is the date units of the current item were last shipped from the current warehouse. The date cannot be changed here.
Last Inventory Count This is the date of the latest inventory count of the item in the current warehouse. The date cannot be changed here.
Cost, Oldest Batch If the costing method for the item is FIFO, the cost of the oldest batch in the current inventory will be shown here.
Company No. This field displays the number of the company to which the warehouse, in which the current item batches are located, is assigned.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.