Tax Reporting Unit Selection Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Tax Reporting Unit Selection Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Priority This field shows the priority of the tax settlement unit. The lines in the table part are listed in order of priority.
Tax Settlement 1 Unit This field allows you to select a tax settlement unit to be used if the registration values entered in a registration window match the criteria on the current line. Please note that only tax settlement units already created in the “Tax Reporting Units” workspace can be assigned to a table line.

You can add up to three different tax settlement units if necessary. To enable multiple tax codes, the system parameters “Show Three Tax Levels” and/or “Show Two Tax Levels” must be marked in the System Parameters workspace. When multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Settlement 1 Unit” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Settlement 1 Unit,” “Tax Settlement 2 Unit,” and, if enabled, “Tax Settlement 3 Unit.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Period From/To These fields allow you to enter a range of dates during which the relevant tax settlement unit(s) should be effective.
Country In this pop-up field, select the country in which the selected tax settlement unit(s) should be effective.
Company Tax Code In this pop-up field, you can select a company tax code. The tax reporting unit(s) on the line will only be used if this company tax code matches the company tax code applied in a registration window when registration values are entered.
Enterprise In this pop-up field, select the enterprise to which the selected tax settlement unit(s) should belong.
Segment In this pop-up field, select the segment to which the selected tax settlement unit(s) should belong.
Area In this pop-up field, select the area to which the selected tax settlement unit(s) should belong.
Tax Direction This pop-up field allows you to specify whether or not the tax settlement unit(s) on the line should be used for reporting receivable or payable tax.
Location From / Location To These fields allow you to specify a range of locations for which the selected tax settlement unit(s) should be effective.
Entity From / Entity To These fields allow you to specify a range of entities for which the selected tax settlement unit(s) should be effective.
Project From / Project To These fields allow you to specify a range of projects for which the selected tax settlement unit(s) should be effective.
Purpose From / Purpose To These fields allow you to specify a range of purposes for which the selected tax settlement unit(s) should be effective.
Spec. 1-10 From / Spec. 1-10 To These fields allow you to specify a range of Spec. 1 values for which the selected tax settlement unit(s) should be effective.
Local Spec. 1-10 From / Local Spec. 1-10 To These fields allow you to specify a range of Local Spec. 1 values for which the selected tax settlement unit(s) should be effective.
Zip Code From / Zip Code To These fields allow you to specify a range of zip codes for which the selected tax settlement unit(s) should be effective.
Nature of Tax In this pop-up field, you can select a nature of tax as Taxable, Tax Exempt, or Export. The tax reporting unit(s) on the line will only be used if this tax nature matches the tax nature code from the tax code or the G/L tax code applied in a registration window when registration values are entered.
Tax Type In this pop-up field, you can select tax type. The tax reporting unit(s) on the line will only be used if this tax type matches the tax type from the tax code or the G/L tax code applied in a registration window when registration values are entered.
Popup 1 – 10 Select a tax pop-up value. The tax reporting unit(s) on the line are only used if this tax nature matches the tax nature code from the tax code or the G/L tax code applied in a registration window when registration values are entered.