Job Journal Workspace

Use this workspace to create job entries that primarily involve time spent by your employees on jobs managed in the Job Cost module.

You can also use this workspace to create job entries for photocopies, film, or other materials used on the job.

To avoid double entry, do not use this workspace to enter employee hours that are already entered in the Time Sheets workspace, or purchase orders that are already entered in the Vendor Invoices workspace in the A/P module.

Job entries are entered in a job journal for future posting. You can change the information in the job journal until it is posted.

You can also use the job journal to re-enter entries to a job or between jobs by entering the amount as a negative figure in the Job Journal Entries sub-tab. You can also do this in the Job Reallocation workspace.

You enter job entries in a job journal, which you then post in this workspace or in the Posting workspace in the General Ledger. The Job Journal tab shows the sum of hours and cost and billing prices for the time and amount activity entries that you enter in the Job Journal Entries sub-tab.

You can change the information in a job journal until it is posted. You cannot post the job journal if it is being used in this workspace. When you post it, you can invoice the job entries in the Invoice Selection and Itemize Invoice Selection workspaces. Depending on the setting of the Submission of Job Journal required system parameter, you might need to submit the journal before you can post it.

If you selected employee control for the current job in the Jobs workspace, you can only create entries for employees who either appear in the job's budget of a certain type, or who are listed in the job's employee control list. For more information, see the description of the Employee Control field in the Jobs workspace.

However, employees who are specified in the resource planning of a job in the Detailed Planning workspace can always create entries for this job, regardless of the job's employee control setup. For more information about controlling employee entries, see the description of the Jobs workspace.

The calculation of cost, intercompany prices, and billing prices is performed each time that you press the Return key on a new line in the Job Journal Entries sub-tab. The calculation is not repeated if you change information in existing lines.

You can print a job journal using the Print This function in the File menu. You can reprint posted job journals from the Print Posting Journal workspace in the G/L module.