
This section shows the Actions available in the Task Lists workspace.

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Field Description
Copy Task List When you select this action, Maconomy copies the contents of the task list specified in the field “Task List” in the card part of the window into the current task list. If the field “Overwrite when duplicated” in the card part is marked, a task in the current task list will be overwritten if there is a task with an identical name in the copied list; otherwise, the task is left out from the copied list. If the field “Overwrite Derived Dimensions” is marked, the dimension derivations specified in the card part of this window will be overwritten by the corresponding dimension derivations from the copied task list. The copied tasks do not replace the current list, but are added to the list.
Mark All for Daily Descriptions When you select this action, the field “Use Daily Descriptions” in the card part is marked, and all tasks in the table part are marked in the field “Use Daily Descriptions.” For more information about daily descriptions, see the description of the island Daily Descriptions in the card part of this window.
Unmark All for Daily Descriptions When you select this action, the field “Use Daily Descriptions” in the card part is unmarked, and all tasks in the table part are unmarked in the field “Use Daily Descriptions.” For more information about daily descriptions, see the description of the island Daily Descriptions in the card part of this window.