Serial Numbers Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Serial Numbers sub-tab.

Field Description
Serial No. In this field, you enter the serial number of the item you have received. Maconomy verifies that the serial number does not already exist, that is, that it is not already registered as being on stock in the Serial Number Information window in the Inventory module. Maconomy also verifies that the serial number has not been entered in another unapproved item receipt. However, if you have marked the system parameter “Extended Serial Number Control,” this verification is not made as the user is then allowed to register the receipt of the same serial number over several different item receipts.
Stock Location This field shows the location at which the current serial number is received. The value is transferred from the card part, but you can specify another location for the current line.
Ordered In this field, you can specify the number of ordered units of the current serial number. If you have marked the system parameter “Extended Serial Number Control,” Maconomy automatically updates the field when the ordered number of units is changed in the window Item Receipt as long as there is only one serial number receipt line for the current receipt line and as long as the numbers in the fields “Ordered” and “Received” match the corresponding fields in the windows Item Purchase Orders and Item Receipt.
Balance This field shows how many of the serial number ordered have not yet been delivered. Maconomy updates the balance when you select the action “Approve Receipt” in the window Item Receipt.
Currently Received In this field, you can specify the number of received units of the current serial number. If you have marked the system parameter “Extended Serial Number Control,” Maconomy automatically updates the field when the ordered number of units is changed in the window Item Purchase Orders as long as there is only one serial number receipt line for the current receipt line and as long as the numbers in the fields “Ordered” and “Received” match the corresponding fields in the windows Item Purchase Orders and Item Receipt.
Production Date In this field, you can enter a production date for the current serial number. The date is for information only.
Sell-by Date In this field, you can enter an expiry date for the current serial number. The date is for information only.
Expiry Date In this field, you can enter a sell-by date for the current serial number. The date is for information only.
Serial No. Text 1-5 In these fields, you can enter various information related to the current serial number. The text is for information only.