Input Data Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Input Data Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Line No. This field shows the line number of the current line in the import file.
External Reg. No. This field shows the external registration number entered on the current line in the import file.
External Account No. This field shows the external account number entered on the current line in the import file.
Account No. This field shows the G/L account number entered on the current line in the import file.
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number entered on the current line in the import file.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type entered on the current line in the import file.
Entry Date This field shows the posting date entered on the current line in the import file.
Entry Description This field shows the posting text entered on the current line in the import file.
Amount This field shows the amount entered on the current line in the import file. The amount is converted to Maconomy’s base currency.
Currency This field shows the currency entered on the current line in the import file.
Amount in Currency This field shows the amount in currency entered on the current line in the import file.
Quantity This field shows the quantity entered on the current line in the import file.
Quantity 2 This field shows the quantity entered in the field “Quantity 2” on the current line in the import file.
Reference Date This field shows the reference date entered on the current line in the import file.
Input Data Form This field shows the name of the data form which was used for the input of data.
Error Entry This field shows whether the current import line contained any errors.
Error Message If the field “Error Entry” is checked on the line, this field will describe the error.
Changed You mark this field manually if you, for example, reallocate the current import line. This enables you to keep track of those import lines which have not yet been reallocated.
Changed by This field show the user who changed the current import line. When the field “Changed” is checked, Maconomy automatically enters the name of the user. It is possible to change the name manually.
Changed on This field shows when the current import line was modified. When the field “Changed” is checked, Maconomy will automatically enter today’s date in this field, but the date can be changed.
Remarks In this field you can enter remarks relevant to the current line.
Journal No. If the current import has been finalized, and the import line has resulted in an entry, this field shows the number of the journal in which the entry was created.
Journal Line No. If the current import has been finalized, and the import line has resulted in an entry, this field will show the line number containing the entry in the journal. The number of the journal is shown in the field “Journal No.” above.