Asset Relocation Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to change the internal location of assets in a company.

If an asset is relocated internally, Maconomy updates the asset's properties, including the assigned company, dimensions, and user (date sold, responsible, and so on) according to the specifications that you provide in this workspace. However, the asset's standard information (for example, its existing asset number, asset information, financial information, technical data, and so on) remains unchanged.

In connection with an asset relocation, Maconomy creates an asset adjustment. This asset adjustment contains one asset entry for each asset that was relocated for both the company from which the asset is moved and the company to which it is moved.

If the currencies that the two companies use are different, Maconomy converts the asset values into the currency that is used by the company to which the asset is relocated. The Asset Entries sub-tab of the Asset Adjustment workspace displays the company number and base currency of each asset entry. You cannot change the asset transaction type in the Asset Adjustment workspace. All entries are assigned the asset transaction type Relocation.

Note that you cannot delete an approved asset adjustment. If you do not want to move the asset, you must manually transfer it back in the system using this workspace.