
This section shows the Actions available in the Installation Information workspace.

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Field Description
Print Registration Letter Select this function to print a registration letter. The registration letter contains a questionnaire that we ask you to complete. Your answers will help us and our dealers improve service and support. You can send the letter by mail or fax. Our address and telephone number is printed on the registration letter. When we receive your letter, we will send a control number to the person you have entered as our contact with your company. This control number is unique for your company and gives you permanent access to the functions in Maconomy that you have bought. If you do not enter the control number within 100 days of installing the program, Maconomy blocks access to all modules. However, you can still enter your company information and print the registration letter. When you receive your control number, enter it in the field “Control No.” in this workspace.

You must send in a new registration letter every time you buy one or more new Maconomy products.